​​About the Physical Facilitation Health Team
Good physical and mental health go together. Having a healthier lifestyle can bring you physical benefits and make a difference to your mental wellbeing.
The Physical Health Facilitation Team can help you improve your physical health. Our team is part of the Community Mental Health Team and includes:
- general nurse
- support worker
- peer support worker
- dietician
- physiotherapist
We offer all adult service users under the care of Community Mental Health:
- an annual physical health check
- support and guidance on improving your physical health
- support with accessing community health initiatives
If you’re a new service user, you can have a physical health check on admission.
Physical health checks
A physical health check is an important first step towards taking charge of your physical health and wellbeing. It can help detect if you’re at risk of diabetes, stroke, or heart problems. Early action can prevent these conditions to become more serious.
Your annual physical health check will be carried out by our general nurse or support worker. It includes 6 different checks:
- blood pressure
- height and weight
- blood glucose
- blood lipids (cholesterol)
- smoking habits
- alcohol consumption
We’ll take a blood sample to test your level of glucose and cholesterol.
You can be accompanied to your check by a relative, friend or carer. Or you can request for your check to be carried out at your home, or another convenient location, if you have difficulty leaving home.
Following your health check, we will explain any recommended treatment or support options available. These can include:
- exercise schemes
- weight management support
- dietary advice
- support to stop smoking
- support to cut down your alcohol intake
The Wellbeing Hub
Come to our monthly drop-in sessions at the Wellbeing Hub to speak with various health professionals and have access to community resources and information. Wellbeing Hub drop-in sessions take place on the last Wednesday of every month and run from 12pm to 2pm.
The monthly drop-in sessions are held at:
The Diner
New St James Place
St Helier
October activities
​10.30am to 11.30am Walking group at The Diner
11.30am to 12pm IT group / Social Prescribing group at the Diner
1.30pm to 3.30pm Swimming at Les Quennevais
| ​9.30am to 10.30am Walking football at Springfield
10.45am to 11.15am Seated exercise classes at The Diner
1.30pm to 2.30pm Badminton at Fort Regent (meet at the Diner)
| ​9.30 to 10.30 Walking football at Springfield
10.45am to 11.45am 1:1 interventions with Alex
1pm to 2.30pm Walking Group at Howard Davis Park.
4pm to 5pm 5 a side Football with Mind Jersey at Springfield |
Additional information
There are many local organisations and services who can help you take charge of your physical or mental health. Visit the following websites for more information:
Mind Jersey
Alcohol and drugs
Diabetes Jersey
Move More Jersey
Help2Quit stop smoking service
Focus On Mental Illness
GUM (sexual health) clinic
Feedback on your treatment
The Patient Advisory Liaison Services (PALS) gives you confidential and practical advice, support and information on service or care related matters.
To give your suggestions or comments about our services contact PALS by email to PALS@health.gov.je or call +44 (0) 1534 443515.
PALS is available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.