​​​​​​What to do in a mental health crisis
If you're in a mental health crisis call us on +44 (0) 1534 445290.
We are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.​
About​ our service
Clairvale Rehabilitation and Recovery Unit provides a residential rehabilitation service for people with complex mental health needs. We support service users to:
- achieve their recovery goals
- improve their mental health and wellbeing
- transition back home or into the community wherever possible
Our aims
Our key aims are to:
- ​reduce or end negative behaviours
- manage risk
- work towards discharge from the point of assessment where appropriate
We promote recovery and improve everyday functioning by:
- reducing social isolation
- engagement in meaningful and purposeful occupations and routines
- developing skills in daily living activities​
- promoting independent or successful community living
- vocational rehabilitation
- participation in education
- preventing readmission to hospital
- decreasing the rate of relapse
- improving medication adherence, reducing or stopping medication, and promoting self-medication
- ensuring a successful discharge from the rehabilitation unit to the community​
What we do
We are part of an acute inpatient pathway team that support people to practice and learn skills for living a fulfilling and independent life. ​
We use a diverse range of therapies including, but not limited to:
- ​psycho-education
- cognitive and dialectical behavioural therapies (CBT and DBT)
- art therapy
- daily living skills programmes
Our team works closely with individuals to help them understand and manage their own condition more effectively. We develop and practice the skills that are important to them, and prepare them to move back into the community.
Examples of the support we provide includes:​
- practice with activities of daily living: self-care, cooking, laundry, cleaning, and shopping
- participating in the community, joining groups and activities
- developing a balanced and meaningful routine
- building confidence going out in the community and using public transport
- staying active and improving physical health
- guidance on healthy living (such as diet, exercise and stopping smoking)
- help to reduce or stop alcohol and street drug use
- help with budgeting
- help to get back into work
- help with accommodation and social security benefits
​As residents recover, we encourage them to spend more time getting out and about and taking part in useful and interesting activities. This could involve:
- taking part in ​sport
- going to the cinema
- enrolling on a course
- learning new skills to help get a job
Our team
The Clairvale team is managed by the Registered manager, who is a Specialist Occupational therapist, and is supported by a multi-disciplinary team that includes:
- occupational therapists
- senior support workers
- nurses
- psychologists
- medical colleagues
- dieticians
- physiotherapists
This multi-disciplinary approach could also include input from:
- Senior Healthcare assistants
- Psychiatrists
- Arts therapists
- Social workers
- Peer supporter workers
- GPs
- Pharmacists
- Service users
Carers ​
We work collaboratively across mental and physical care and our Physical Health Facilitation team also have input into our multi-disciplinary approach.
Find out more about the Physical Health Facilitation Team.
We link closely with our Mental Health Day Service that provides residents at Clairvale with the facilities and support they need to focus on their recovery and personal development.
You can find out more on Mental Health Day Service.
​Our location
We are located at Clairvale House which is a 10 bedded residential unit.
Every resident has their own bedroom and bathroom.
​How to access the service
The Clairvale Rehabilitation and Recovery Service is suitable for adults aged 18 or over who have complex mental health needs and​ may be experiencing:
- a diagnosis of severe and enduring mental illness
- psychosis relapse
- multiple admissions to an inpatient unit within the last two years
- several co-existing mental health conditions requiring assessment and multi-disciplinary treatment
- multiple health, mental health, and social care needs
- significant disability caused by mental health condition requiring the support of a multi-disciplinary team
- inability to live safely outside a hospital setting or significant quality of life issues due to deficiencies in meeting activities of daily living
- loss of work, as a result of mental health condition
- social isolation, as a result of mental health condition
- risk of self-neglect, as a result of mental health condition
A referral form should be completed by the Inpatient Ward team or the care co-ordinator and emailed to Clairvale@health.gov.je.
All referrals are directed and managed by the Clairvale Rehabilitation and Recovery Pathway team. ​