The purpose of the board is to:
- collectively develop an integrated mental health system
- promote mental and emotional wellbeing
- seek to reduce stigma and mental health inequalities
It puts service user care and experience at the heart of delivery and use the collective strengths of effective partnerships.
We provide updates and assurance on progress to the Health Minister and other stakeholders through the:
Terms of Reference of the Mental Health Strategic System Partn​ership Board
We have key relationships with other structures within the mental health system, including the operational Mental Health Network. Its interface with other groups will feature formal and informal reporting mechanisms.​​​​
Our functions
The board is a forum for key stakeholders to discuss and take decisions on an integrated approach to improve and promote mental health and wellbeing.
We act as a multi-agency partnership and we:
- are collectively responsible for the successful achievement of a coherent, integrated and improving mental health system
- review progress against the previous actions from the Mental Health Improvement Plan and other actions started or completed in the last 2 years
- go on to develop and oversee a future plan for the development of integrated mental health services. This includes clear priorities and objectives for the system partners collectively
As the board develops, there will be opportunities for members to discuss and agree collective priorities for:
- mental health investment
- service development
- financial allocation
It will contribute to system-wide discussions regarding efficiencies, service change and the development of a commissioning strategy for mental health services.
​Board meetings
We'll hold meetings in person every quarter from 10am to 12pm on Wednesdays.
Meetings will be in a workshop format and all members will be invited.
There will be additional, topic-specific meetings, held as required. Attendance at these will be determined by the
board and will be limited to those members with a strong focus on the topic being discussed.
Board members
​Our members include stakeholders from Government and organisations:
- ​Director of Public Health, Public Health (co-chair)
- ​Executive Director of Mental Health and Adult Social Care, Health and Care Jersey (co-chair)
- ​Consultant in Public Health, ​Public Health
- ​Clinical Director of Adult Mental Health, Health and Care Jersey
- ​Executive Director, ​Mind Jersey
- ​Chief Executive Office, ​My Voice
- Head of LINC Services, ​Listening Lounge
- ​Executive Officer, ​Jersey Recovery College
- ​Chief Executive Office, ​Focus on Mental Illness
- ​Head of Commissioning and Service Redesign, D​ementia​ Jersey
- ​Head of Health and Wellbeing, Children, Young People, Education and Skills
- ​Equal by experience (service user)​
- ​Equal by experience (carer)​
- ​Chief Officer, States of Jersey Police, ​Department of Justice and Home Affairs
- ​Governor, States of Jersey Prison Service, ​Department of Justice and Home Affairs
- ​Head of Prison Healthcare, ​Department of Justice and Home Affairs
- ​Chief Probation Officer, ​Department of Justice and Home Affairs
- ​Ambulance Service Representative, ​Department of Justice and Home Affairs​
- ​Chief Social Worker, Health and Care Jersey
- ​Residential service provider​
- ​Minority and Vulnerable Population Group Representative, ​Caritas, Shelter
- ​Associate Director of Improvement and Innovation, Health and Care​ Jersey​
- ​General Practitioner​
​Board members will act as conduits for those in their networks.
Additional attendees will be invited to join meetings at times where the board needs input beyond that possible from its members.​​
​Members roles