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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

School girl in librarySchool girl in library

​​​Jersey's education system

Jersey’s education system consists of nurseries, pre-schools and compulsory primary school from age 4 until 11 and secondary school until 16. You can also take two optional, additional years of further education or training.

Education journey in Jersey

Children, Young People, Education and Skills Department


The standard of schooling in Jersey is high. Exam results show how Jersey compares with the UK.

Find more information about school performance in education reports and documents.

Individual schools publish information on primary school and secondary school websites.

Public funded education

To access free, government-funded education in Jersey, you must have the appropriate immigration status. For pre-school (3 to 4 years) and compulsory school-age (5 to 16) access to government-funded education is available to:

  • British and EEA (European Economic Area, which include the European Union) children
  • Third Country Nationals holding the appropriate visa

Education policies

Nurseries, pre-school and early learning

Find out about free early learning for children, where it's offered and how to register for a school nursery place.

If you’re moving with a family including young children, you may need to arrange childcare. There are a number of childcare options in the island:

Type of childcare​Description
​Centre care​For children, from babies up to the age of 12 years. There’s a manager in charge of the team of staff who care for the children in a registered setting.
​Childminders​Self-employed carers who usually care for children in their own home and who need to be registered with a regulatory authority. Childminders care for children from babies to 12 years and provide full day or term times only or all year round care and learning.
​Crèches​Provide irregular temporary childcare that can be used on an ad-hoc basis.
​Nannies or au pairs

​They don’t need to be a registered childcare provider and childcare is arranged privately.

Centre care options

Within centre care there are three types of settings:

​Type of centre careDescription​
​Day nurseries​Offer care and education for children from their first year of life until they enter full-time education. Day nurseries are open all year round, usually only closing on public holidays. The opening hours are to fit the needs of working parents.
​Preschools​For children from 2 years of age to school entry age. Preschools offer childcare and education on a sessional basis of up to 5 hours, usually in the morning. However, some preschools also offer afternoon sessions. Most follow school term-time hours of opening, but some offer the facility during the school holidays.
​School-age care

For children attending nursery classes and full-time education, up to the age of 12 years. There are 3 types of school age settings:

  • wrap around care for children attending nursery classes
  • play care for children who are in full time education
  • activity clubs for children of school age during school holidays

It is not compulsory for children under 5 to be in nursery or childcare. However, you can register your interest for a school nursery place at any time. For most parents, places are allocated based on the date that you register so the earlier you apply the more chance you have of getting a place.

You can claim tax relief against your childcare cost if your child attends a registered child care provider.

Free nursery hours

Your child can get up to 30 free hours per week of government-funded nursery education in the school year that they turn four years old. These free hours are term-time only (over 38 weeks) and start from the beginning of the school year (September). You can apply for a free place at a government primary school nursery or in a NEF-registered nursery in the private or voluntary sector.


There are three types of schooling systems in Jersey:

  • non-fee-paying government schools
  • fee-paying government schools (part government-funded)
  • private fee-paying schools

Children start school in the September of the school year that they are five. Places are offered to parents in February.

Parents can choose to delay their child until the beginning of the term that they are five, but this is very unusual.

Jersey has 22 non-fee paying government primary schools and 5 non-fee-paying government secondary schools.

In addition to these non-fee-paying schools, there are several fee-paying government and private schools in the island. Fees for these vary from school to school.

A list of all primary schools and secondary schools.

School admissions

Government school places are allocated by the department for Children, Young People, Education and Skills (CYPES).

Finding and applying for a government school.

Private and Government of Jersey fee-charging schools manage their own admissions, so need to be contacted directly.

Catchment areas

Jersey’s school catchment area is the geographic area from which students may be eligible to attend a local school. There are 22 primary school and four secondary school catchment areas.

You should register with your catchment school. Parents may request up to three schools in order of preference. If a school is oversubscribed, there is a priority order for applications.

Apply for a school

Find your primary or secondary schools catchment area​​​ using our online map​

Moving to Jersey: Find childcare and schools

Further education and careers resource

Compulsory education ends at 16 years old.

After compulsory education there are various employment, training and further education options available to young people.

​After GCSEs or A-levels​

Traditional academic courses:

  • AS
  • A2
  • International Baccalaureate

Vocational courses:

  • BTEC
  • International Baccalaureate
  • NVQ
  • City & Guilds

Find more information about careers on work opportunities and internships​​.

Studying for a degree

A high number of students who complete their A levels in Jersey choose to continue to study at university. Highlands College and BPP CI in the island offer university degrees for those who wish to continue studying in Jersey. However, the majority of students choose to study at a UK university.

Secondary schools are well informed and able to advise students about further education. There are many things to consider before choosing higher education, such as subjects, location and funding.

Undergraduates and recent graduates careers

Studying away from the island can cost more for Jersey students as some UK universities charge oversea rates.

Funding for a degree

Generally, students must have been resident in Jersey for 5 years immediately before 31 August in the first year of the course in order to be eligible for a grant.

If a student hasn't lived in Jersey for 5 years before 31 August of the first year of their course, but they have lived in Jersey for at least 12 months before 31 August, they might qualify if they or one of their parents possess 'Entitled' status.

Find more information on Student Finance.​

Adult Education

It’s never too late to return to learning. Find out more about training or learning through work, including returning to education and part-time courses.

Careers guidance

Learn the English language

English is the primary language for most people in Jersey. You'll find it easier to settle in Jersey if you can speak, read and write in English. Find out how you can improv​e your English.

Professional qualifications

There are a number of trainers in the island offering professional or​ vocational qualifications and training including:

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