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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Photo of family mum, dad and young boy walking with winter coats on and trees in the backgroundPhoto of family mum, dad and young boy walking with winter coats on and trees in the background

Jersey is a safe and secure place to live, making it an ideal location for families.

Islanders value their quality of life. Business centres, homes and schools are all nearby helping to support a great work life balance.

Many places in Jersey are family friendly and cater for children.


Jerseyā€™s education system consists of nurseries, pre-schools and compulsory primary school from age 5 until 11 and secondary school until 16. Jersey has 22 non-fee paying government primary schools and 5 non-fee-paying government secondary schools.

There are three types of schooling systems in Jersey:

  • non-fee-paying government schools
  • fee-paying government schools (part government-funded)
  • private fee-paying schools

Children start school in the September of the school year that they are five.

Find out the list of primary schools and secondary schools.

The standard of schooling in Jersey is high. Exam results show how Jersey compares with the UK.

Family activities

Jersey is the perfect place to share unique family experiences that cater for all budgets.

See a list of activities and attractions on the Visit Jersey website.

Eating out as a family

Jersey has a wealth of family restaurants from beach-side cafes to friendly local pubs. Each one providing a great welcome to all and a real flavour of Jersey local produce. Many places cater for children and babies. Find out information on a selection of Jersey family restaurants.


There are a range of options available in Jersey when it comes to childcare. Find out information on childcare.

It is not compulsory for children under 5 to be in nursery or childcare. Find out how to register your interest for a school nursery place. Places are allocated based on the date that you register so the earlier you apply the more chance you have of getting a place.

You can claim tax relief against your childcare cost if your child attends a registered child care provider.

Your child can get up to 20 free hours per week of Government-funded nursery education in the school year that they turn four years old. These free hours are term time only (over 38 weeks) and start from the beginning of the school year in September.

Support for parents and carers

There are many groups for parents and carers support on the island. Jersey Child Care Trust and Jersey Association of Child Carers are charities that work with parents and children, other groups include:


If you are thinking about bringing your pet to Jersey, there are no official requirements for pet dogs, cats or ferrets travelling between Jersey and:

  • the UK (including Northern Ireland)
  • the Isle of Man
  • other Channel Islands

No vaccinations are needed, but you should discuss your pet's health with your vet as your pet must be fit to travel and properly cared for. Pets may travel with any airline or ferry operator who agrees to carry your pet. If travelling on a private plane or boat, you must not visit a foreign port on the way.

Bringing your pet to Jersey from the EU, has different restrictions. Find information on the pet travel scheme

Once in the island, you will need a dog licence issued from your parish. Jersey has a number of vets provide animal care for all pet owners.

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