Find out about personal and company tax, social security contributions, pensions, VAT and GST rates

Find out about the day-to-day costs of living in Jersey and see how the island compares to other countries

Find out about working in Jersey, including finding work, employment rights, setting up a business and working for a local business

Learn about Customs and Immigration in Jersey including border controls, visas, work permits and importing goods

Find out about Jerseyā€™s low crime rates and what emergency services and facilities are available

Find out what accommodation is available for people moving to Jersey and the costs of renting and buying a property

Find out about hospital, doctor and dentist treatment in the Island and compare Jerseyā€™s healthcare system to where you live now

Learn about schools, childcare and education options in Jersey

Find out about transport options within the Island and travel routes to and from Jersey

Find out more about Brexit, including information about what it is, how it may affect you and what we're doing to prepare for it

Information on what benefits and financial support are available on the Island and who can claim them