Planning obligation agreements
Planning obligations are legal agreements between a developer and the Minister for the Environment. They are made in order to ensure that the implications of new development are balanced by the provision of necessary infrastructure and services, the cost of which will be met by the developer. It may require a developer to carry out certain works or make a capital contribution which reflects the implications of new development and may include the following provisions:
- support for travel and transport
- mitigation of environmental issues
- support for the community
'On site' and 'off site'
Planning obligations are used when planning conditions are not appropriate or are not capable of being applied. They are used 'on site' and 'off site'. 'On site' is within the boundary of the land which may be the subject of a development application and 'off site' is on land which lies outside the boundary of the site which is the subject of an application.
Indicative costs
This guidance note contains indicative costs for a range of travel and transport infrastructure requirements. As clearly stated in the guidance, these indicative costs are based on figures derived from 2017, and they will be subject to regular review.
Regular review will be undertaken by I&E (Transport and operations), in line with Jersey’s retail price index, and will be reflected in advice about the level of contributions required to deliver off-site travel and transport infrastructure through the use of planning obligation agreements.
Planning obligation agreements - SPG advice note (July 2017)