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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Cedar Ward

Who we are and what we do

Cedar ward is an inpatient service for older adults with a suspected functional mental illness (such as depression or psychosis). We provide 24 hour care to people whose mental health care cannot be provided safely in the community. We offer an intensive assessment period covering:

  • comprehensive assessment by a multi-disciplinary team
  • diagnosis (if applicable) 
  • treatment
  • individual care plan
  • therapeutic interventions
  • education
  • discharge planning

From this assessment we can plan the most appropriate treatment for you. This may be in Cedar Ward or back in the community.

The ward has 14 beds and we work with colleagues in community mental health teams. This ensures that on discharge, where appropriate, you have an identified community worker and a package of care is in place.

How to access the service

People are referred to us by:

  • community based services such as the Community Mental Health Team for Older Adults
  • psychiatric liaison service within the General Hospital, either from Emergency Department or the wards
  • other inpatient wards for older adults
  • ward staff

Our staff are experienced mental health nurses and doctors. They are supported by specialist clinicians including:

  • psychologists
  • occupational therapists
  • physiotherapists
  • dieticians
  • pharmacists

Our location

We are based on the first floor in Clinique Pinel.

Cedar Ward
Clinique Pinel
St Saviours Hospital
La Route De La Hougue Bie
St Saviour
Jersey JE2 7UW


There is free parking around the grounds.

Disabled facilities

The nearest parking areas for disabled drivers are in front of the main building. There are also disabled toilet facilities. There is a lift to access Cedar ward.

What to expect

When you arrive, we welcome you onto the ward and show you the:

  • lounges
  • dining area
  • your bedroom (all rooms are single occupancy)
  • toilets
  • washing facilities

We introduce the nursing team and fellow patients. A nurse is allocated to you on admission, and is responsible for your care throughout your stay. They maintain contact with you about your care needs.

Health Care Assistants support the nurses in providing the care prescribed for you.

Multi disciplinary ward rounds take place each Tuesday. Your nurse lets you know when your doctor is likely to see you. We can arrange for a nurse or doctor to speak to a family member by prior arrangement. Medical support is also provided by the ward doctor, who visits daily.

Meal times 

Meals are served daily:

  • breakfast, from 8am to 9am
  • lunch, from 12pm to 1pm
  • dinner, from 5.30pm to 6.30pm

Property / valuables

We recommend that you only bring property and a minimum of cash essential for your needs and that you don't bring valuables. Give any items you want to keep in safe custody to the nurse in charge as soon as possible. We give you a receipt for these. We accept no responsibility for the loss of, or damage to, personal property whatsoever, unless it's deposited in our safe custody.

What to bring

On admission, you need to bring: 

  • any medications you’re currently taking 
  • loose casual clothes and night wear
  • comfortable shoes
  • necessary toiletries

As part of your care assessment, we encourage you to wash and dress as independently as possible.

Your treatment is overseen by a consultant psychiatrist. Nursing staff have access to medical services 24 hours a day.

Services available on the ward


Our hospital chaplain visits the ward. As a multi-faith resource, they offer spiritual and religious support to patients and visitors of all faiths or none. Your family priest or chaplain is always welcome to visit the ward. 


The chiropodist provides foot care for those patients who need it.


Our hairdresser can visit the ward weekly on request. There is a charge for this. The nurse in charge can arrange it for you. If you prefer, and depending on the advice of the Doctor, you can go to your own hairdresser.


A laundry service is provided, or you can choose to take clothing home to wash. Please make your choice known to the nurse responsible for your care. Clothing can be labelled on admission by one of our team. This is essential if your laundry is washed by our service.

Personal laundry is washed on site from Monday to Friday. There are no facilities for dry cleaning of items. We are not responsible for any items of clothing that go missing or are damaged if they have not been labelled.

Occupational therapy

Occupational therapists are specialists in helping people function to the best of their ability on a day to day basis. They either visit weekly or can be asked to attend by staff and they work with patients on an individual basis as required.

Patient cash

We recommend that you only keep a small amount of cash on you. If you want to hand it in for safe keeping, we keep a maximum of ÂŁ25 locked in the ward office. If you give us more than ÂŁ25, it's transferred to Community and Social Services Finance Team for keeping. 

Phones and wifi 

Mobile phones are allowed but switch them to silent mode. Wifi is available on Cedar Ward so ask the ward staff for details. 

Social Activities Co-ordinator

They offer a range of individual and group activities, based on each person’s likes and dislikes.

Contact us

You can contact us from Monday to Sunday. We suggest that one person, nominated by the patient, make enquiries to the ward. If we’re with patients, we cannot always answer the phone straight away, so try again later.

We appreciate if you could avoid times when the ward may be busy. Suggested telephone times are from 10.30am to 12pm, and 1.30pm to 7.30pm.

Patient confidentiality is essential. There are occasions when we're unable to share information. Contact the ward manager if you need to discuss this. 

Tel: +44 (0) 1534 443211 

Other sources of information

Independent Advocacy Service: +44 (0) 7797 716447

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