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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Walking through airport with luggageWalking through airport with luggage
Customer and local services help kiosk

Register as a Jersey resident

Find out how to register for tax, Social Security, housing and health purposes

St Brelade parish hall

Contact your parish

Understand what services your local parish provides

Driving licence form

Apply for a Jersey driving licence

Find out about how to apply for a Jersey driving licence or exchange your current one

Car mechanics

Register your vehicle

Find out how to register your vehicle and how to pay vehicle import duties

removal van and boxes

Pay your customs and import duties

Find out what items you need to pay customs and imports duties on when bringing household goods to Jersey

Healthcare receptionist on phone

Register with service providers

Information on local service providers, including health, gas, water and electricity

Opening a bank account forms

Open a Jersey bank account

Find out how to open a bank account in Jersey

Language boks

Improve your English

Find out how you can improve your English language skills

Fire engine and firemen

How to contact Emergency services

Information on Jerseyā€™s emergency services and how to contact them

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