- Date
- 29 May 2015
Treasury and Resources Minister responds to announcement from States of Jersey Development Company
- Date
- 29 May 2015
This work is being co-ordinated by the Strategic Housing Unit as part of cross departmental initiative - working with Jersey Property Holdings, the Transport and Technical Services Department, and Andium Homes.
- Date
- 27 May 2015
The Island's bathing waters are still meeting European standards in annual test results which put Jersey ahead of the UK
- Date
- 27 May 2015
3,200 householders urged to respond to the 2015 Jersey Annual Social Survey. The results are used directly by government in decision-making
- Date
- 27 May 2015
The Employment Forum is reviewing what hourly rate the minimum wage should be from April 2016 and wants to hear from stakeholders.
- Date
- 25 May 2015
This gift will enable Jersey to consider a range of options for its territorial waters, such as possible leases for future renewable energy needs.
- Date
- 23 May 2015
The States of Jerseyā€™s international credit rating issued by Standard & Poors (S&P) has been affirmed as one of the best that the credit ratings service awards
- Date
- 22 May 2015
Doosan Enpure will undertake the first phase of works on the new Sewage Treatment Works which is likely to last until April 2016
- Date
- 22 May 2015
The Council of Ministers is holding its first community meeting to provide Islanders with the opportunity to ask Ministers questions
- Date
- 21 May 2015
Grouville School pupils and parents will have a safer route to school under plans agreed by the Planning Applications Committee
- Date
- 21 May 2015
Latest House Price Index figures released
- Date
- 21 May 2015
A new code of practice for official statistics has been developed by the independent Statistics Users Group and endorsed by the Council of Ministers
- Date
- 20 May 2015
A new campaign which aims to identify and clean up the worst areas in the Island for dog mess
- Date
- 19 May 2015
Environmental Health officers highlight a dangerous germ which is present in raw chicken
- Date
- 18 May 2015
During school holidays rush hour traffic on Jerseyā€™s roads drops by about 15 per cent. TTS is actively trying to address congestion and road safety issues by the introduction of school travel plans.
- Date
- 18 May 2015
Jerseyā€™s tax agents are being asked to provide their views on a review of the rules applying to the taxation of distributions from Jersey resident companies
- Date
- 15 May 2015
Public sector restructuring is moving into a new phase with the launch of an organisation-wide voluntary redundancy programme
- Date
- 14 May 2015
New regulations are being proposed to make it easier for departments to share information and work more efficiently together
- Date
- 13 May 2015
Chief Minister publishes a report on investigation into living wage campaigns.
- Date
- 13 May 2015
The proposed changes reflect a key theme of the recently approved Strategic Plan to promote social inclusion and tackle relative low income.
- Date
- 13 May 2015
People are invited to give their views on the future of St Helier at weekend workshops on 30 and 31 May at the Town Hall
- Date
- 11 May 2015
1,390 people were registered as Actively Seeking Work (ASW) in April 2015
- Date
- 08 May 2015
The meetings demonstrate the importance of the Channel Islands continuing to engage at the senior level of the European Parliament and the European Commission.
- Date
- 07 May 2015
Information about flags, transport and ticketing for Liberation Day 2015
- Date
- 06 May 2015
DVS starts selling vehicle number plates from La Collette offices
- Date
- 06 May 2015
Guide helps employers stop any poor practice
- Date
- 05 May 2015
Young people asked to capture spirit of Liberation 70 with photographs taken on the day
- Date
- 05 May 2015
Asthmatics who control their asthma properly can have a good quality of life.