- Date
- 31 March 2015
A new consultation asks whether the Island's laws are sufficiently up to date to tackle offensive and malicious online behaviour, including cyberbullying and the misuse of social media
- Date
- 30 March 2015
Parking in the seasonal car parks is free from October to March (inclusive) but from the beginning of April is chargeable at 1 unit per 2 hours
- Date
- 30 March 2015
The fire service were called after a racehorse fell into a ditch and was unable to get back on his feet
- Date
- 26 March 2015
A new timetable and initiatives to help passengers at peak times will be introduced from the end of March 2015
- Date
- 26 March 2015
Bus routes and general traffic will be affected by road works in St Peter's Valley over the next two weeks
- Date
- 26 March 2015
The aim of a series of projects is to put literacy, lifelong learning and digital skills at the forefront of what the Library Service does for the community
- Date
- 25 March 2015
Constables and States departments are warning gardening businesses and householders to dispose of garden waste responsibly to avoid clogging up roadside drains
- Date
- 25 March 2015
New equipment for skateboarders has been installed at the Millennium Town Park following a trial and review
- Date
- 24 March 2015
Islanders can park free of charge in Transport and Technical Services administered car parks and on-street parking spaces on 9 May
- Date
- 24 March 2015
Customs and Immigration seize Ā£370,000 of heroin from a guest house in St Helier following a tip off
- Date
- 24 March 2015
Around 500 health and social care staff will attend a unique conference this week.
- Date
- 19 March 2015
Marine Resources is reminding people planning low water fishing during this weekend's big tides to stick to the law on minimum sizes for catches and return rocks to their original position
- Date
- 18 March 2015
A doctor working in the General Hospital has been awarded a police commendation for her part in life-saving teamwork
- Date
- 18 March 2015
Island and UK agencies join forces on Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day
- Date
- 17 March 2015
The UK's foremost planning body is coming to Jersey in May for its south west branch conference and lecture. The visit is timed to coincide with the marking of 50 years of a planning and building law in the Island
- Date
- 17 March 2015
Health Ministers from Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man met to discuss areas of common interest
- Date
- 12 March 2015
Primary school children are asked to enter a competition to design the official Jersey Boat Show flag
- Date
- 12 March 2015
The Philippine Ambassador to the UK will visit Jersey next week and officials from the Philippine Embassy will also be here to hold a consular outreach event for Jerseyā€™s Filipino residents at the Town Hall
- Date
- 11 March 2015
Independent members representing a cross section of the Jersey community are being sought for adoption and fostering panels
- Date
- 11 March 2015
Employers in hospitality or horticulture are being asked to attend tailored job match events in March
- Date
- 11 March 2015
The new Youth Arts facility at St James will be open to the public on Saturday 14 March from 12.30pm to 3.30pm
- Date
- 10 March 2015
The Independent Visitors for Young People is a group of volunteers who visit Jerseyā€™s open and secure residential units to listen to young people's concerns and ensure their voice is being heard
- Date
- 10 March 2015
Annual universities' showcase takes place on Thursday at Hautlieu School
- Date
- 09 March 2015
1,620 people were registered as Actively Seeking Work (ASW) in February 2015
- Date
- 09 March 2015
The layout of the new designated skateboard area will be discussed with the users before being installed
- Date
- 09 March 2015
Following a site visit by the Planning Minister, plans for a residential development on Tunnell Street have been approved
- Date
- 06 March 2015
Annual campaign encourages smokers to stub out cigarettes for good
- Date
- 06 March 2015
New facilities at the Youth Service's outdoor activity base have been completed
- Date
- 05 March 2015
2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the introduction of a comprehensive planning and building law in Jersey - a framework to control development and meet the communityā€™s needs
- Date
- 05 March 2015
Environmental Health advising beach-users to avoid area
- Date
- 05 March 2015
Butterflies are an indicator of the general health of the countryside so up to date information presented at a seminar next week will help the Department of the Environment monitor the Islandā€™s ecosystems
- Date
- 05 March 2015
First group of trainees demonstrate their skills to potential employers
- Date
- 05 March 2015
The first formal meeting between Jersey's Minister for Home Affairs explored opportunities for the two islands to work more closely together
- Date
- 04 March 2015
Jersey's latest retail sales figures have been published by the Statistics Unit
- Date
- 04 March 2015
The Chatterbooks reading group will include all sorts of fun activities but is mostly about enjoying reading and making friends. It is open to children aged between 9 and 12 years
- Date
- 04 March 2015
HRH Princess Anne will open St James, the converted heritage site at the edge of St Helier
- Date
- 03 March 2015
The survey was carried out across 10 - 15 year-old pupils in 40 local schools. This represents 86% of all young people of these ages in the Island
- Date
- 03 March 2015
More than 1,000 households have taken part in the Jersey Household Spending and Income Survey
- Date
- 02 March 2015
Diplomatic representatives and the Director of the Centre for European Policy Studies will be among those to meet the External Relations Minister during his visit to Brussels
- Date
- 02 March 2015
Representatives from the community and voluntary sectors, together with States of Jersey Departments and invited users of the service and carers will discuss the themes and views gathered during as part of the Mental Health Services Review
- Date
- 02 March 2015
Islanders who have an association with the Occupation are invited to contact their Parish Hall to apply for the free tickets to attend the ceremony in Peopleā€™s Park