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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

2019 news

  • Brexit extension statement

    11 April 2019
    The Minister for External Relations, Senator Ian Gorst, has issued a statement following the extension to the Brexit deadline.
  • Co-operative Society to store essential supplies

    27 March 2019
    The CI Co-operative Society has agreed with the Government to store additional quantities of food and popular items, over and above their usual stock
  • Pet owners reminded of post-Brexit travel preparations

    11 March 2019
    The States Veterinary Officer, Theo Knight-Jones is putting out an urgent message for pet owners wishing to travel with their dog, cat or ferret, to check they have made the necessary preparations in case of a no-deal Brexit.
  • Channel Islands Ministers visit Brussels ahead of Brexit

    25 January 2019
    Minsters from Jersey and Guernsey have visited Brussels this week to promote the Channel Islandsā€™ interests ahead of Brexit, and to underline the changes that the islands have recently made to meet EU concerns on economic substance.
  • Ready for Brexit week begins

    14 January 2019
    Islanders are reminded that 'Ready for Brexit' week starts today. A series of events will take place throughout the week to share the Government of Jersey's ongoing Brexit preparations.
  • Ready for Brexit Week

    07 January 2019
    Islanders are being encouraged to attend a series of events next week, aimed at engaging residents and businesses in Jerseyā€™s Brexit preparations
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