- Date
- 09 December 2019
The Government is improving the way it gathers, handles, and manages complaints, compliments and comments about the many services it delivers.
- Date
- 22 November 2019
Today sees the conclusion of a complex fraud case which has been investigated by the enforcement team at Customer and Local Services.
- Date
- 22 November 2019
Primary school teachers have completed a six-week course which will enable them to incorporate more art into their lessons.
- Date
- 22 November 2019
Following customer feedback, anyone with a Social Security number can now apply online for a registration card.
- Date
- 15 November 2019
Today sees the conclusion of a complex fraud case and successful prosecution identified by the team at Customer and Local Services.
- Date
- 07 November 2019
A year after several customer-facing services were relocated to La Motte Street, customer feedback suggests that the move has been overwhelmingly positive.
- Date
- 22 October 2019
Businesses that sell alcohol are being urged to renew their liquor licence before the annual deadline of 5pm on Tuesday, 5 November 2019.
- Date
- 30 September 2019
Islanders with a diagnosis of Diffuse Mesothelioma, which is caused by exposure to asbestos fibres, can from tomorrow (1 October 2019) apply for a one-off special payment from the government.
- Date
- 20 September 2019
From 1 October the minimum wage will rise for all employees over the age of 16
- Date
- 17 September 2019
Islanders will have the opportunity to build their own dream library out of LEGO bricks in a competition being run by Jersey Library, from 23 September until 4 October.
- Date
- 10 September 2019
The Minister for Social Security, Deputy Judy Martin, has lodged a revised draft Employment Law which aims to improve family-friendly employment rights.
- Date
- 19 August 2019
Representatives from voluntary and community sector organisations are invited to attend a workshop to find out about how the relationship between the sector and the Government of Jersey has improved over the last 12 months.
- Date
- 12 August 2019
Islanders suffering from Diffuse Mesothelioma, a disease related to exposure to asbestos, will be able to apply for a one off lump-sum payment from 1 October 2019.
- Date
- 08 August 2019
Jersey Library's Space Chase, Summer Reading Challenge for 2019 was launched a month ago, but it's not too late for children to join the challenge.
- Date
- 22 July 2019
The Social Security Minister, Deputy Judy Martin, has presented a response to the States Assembly following the Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny review of her proposed changes to family friendly employment rights.
- Date
- 09 July 2019
Children are being invited to sign up for free to the Summer Reading Challenge 2019.
- Date
- 02 July 2019
Closer to Home, a collaborative approach to delivering actitivies and services in community facilities, will officially launch on Saturday, 6 July.
- Date
- 25 June 2019
School children have nomimated and voted for their favourite book published within the last year.
- Date
- 14 June 2019
The Minister for Social Security, Deputy Judy Martin, has temporarily withdrawn her proposals for changes to family friendly employment rights.
- Date
- 06 June 2019
The Minister for Social Security has proposed increasing the amount of income support families receive
- Date
- 05 June 2019
An Assistant Social Security Minister has been appointed
- Date
- 30 May 2019
A week dedicated to thanking volunteers across the island will celebrate the value they bring to island life.
- Date
- 23 May 2019
Jersey Library will celebrate its 30th year in Halkett Place this Saturday 25 May.
- Date
- 23 May 2019
Assistant Minister for Social Security is dismissed
- Date
- 15 April 2019
Minister lodges amendment to family-friendly draft Law
- Date
- 02 April 2019
Islanders can now apply for and receive an Attestation certificate online as part of Customer and Local Servicesâ work to make it easier for customers to access government services.
- Date
- 25 March 2019
The organisers of the Channel Island Children's Book Award have launched a writing competition
- Date
- 11 March 2019
Report reveals Sienna and Leo are Jerseyâs most popular baby names
- Date
- 05 March 2019
Islanders will be able to access support from Community Savings and report minor crimes to the police as part of the continued extension of services available through âOne Front Doorâ at Customer and Local Services on La Motte Street.
- Date
- 12 February 2019
The Minister for Social Security has today lodged a draft law to extend family-friendly employment rights.