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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Countryside character appraisal

ā€‹Part A

This covers the evolution of the Island character and describes the special and unique cultural factors that have been responsible for shaping its present character.

Introduction: countryside character appraisal
Evolution of Island character: countryside character appraisal

Part B

This covers character types and character areas. This is the main part of the report and it runs through each of the character areas in turn, which include a:

  • description
  • evaluation
  • summary of threats
  • management
  • capacity for change

A cliffs and headlands: countryside character appraisal
B coastal plain: countryside character appraisal

C escarpment: countryside character appraisal
D enclosed valleys: countryside character appraisal
E agricultural land: countryside character appraisal
F and G marine intertidal: countryside character appraisal
H offshore reefs: countryside character appraisal
Planning zones: countryside character appraisal

Part 3

This covers the Island-wide policies and priorities and provides a separate technical report summarising the detailed information emerging in Part B. It contains recommendations for actions and priorities to:

  • protect
  • conserve
  • enhance Jerseyā€™s unique countryside character

Appendices: countryside character appraisal
Island wide policies and priorities: separate technical report  


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