Consenting to surgery
Your consultant will ask you to sign a consent form before going to theatre. This is a written record that you have agreed to the planned operation.
Your consultant will discuss what the operation involves. This includes the benefits and risks, type of anaesthetic and any alternative treatments.
It is important that you understand the information provided. You can ask your consultant questions if you donât understand or if you want more information.
If you're having a surgical procedure that requires a general anaesthetic, your consultant anaesthetist will visit you. They will discuss the anaesthetic options with you. This includes the benefits, risks and your preferences. You will be able to ask any questions you may have before going to theatre.
There is more information available about having a local, regional or general anaesthetic. View the NHS choices or The Royal College of Anaesthetists websites.
Anaesthesia on the NHS choices website
Anaesthesia information leaflets on The Royal College of Anaesthetists website
Going to theatre
You will wear a theatre gown and dressing gown to theatre.
Your consultant will have a list of operations to perform. The ward staff will have an idea of the proposed theatre list and times. You may have to wait before going to theatre, as some operations take longer than others.
Main Theatres Department
Jersey General Hospital has six main operating theatres. Main theatres cover a range of surgery. This includes elective (routine, planned operations) and emergency surgery.
Once the surgeon and theatre team are ready for you, your nurse will collect you from your room and escort you to the Main Theatre Department. You will wait in theatre reception until your consultant and theatre team are ready for you to go into the operating theatre.
After your operation, you will remain in the theatre recovery room until you've recovered from the anaesthetic. You will return to the private patient unit accompanied by a nurse. Your consultant may visit you while you're in recovery.
Day Surgery Unit (DSU)
Jersey General Hospitalâs Day Surgery Unit (DSU) has two day surgery theatres and a minor ops suite.
Day surgery enables you to come in to hospital for a procedure and go home on the same day. This makes the surgery more convenient for you. Many types of surgery take place in DSU, using either general or local anaesthesia.
Your procedure may take place in the Day Surgery Unit (DSU). You will either walk from the private patient unit to DSU with your nurse or have a private room on the Day Surgery Unit.
After your procedure, your nurse will escort you back to the private patient unit or your room on the Day Surgery Unit. Your nurse will tell you when you can go home.
Endoscopy Unit
Jersey General Hospital has two endoscopy theatres, situated on Aubin ward. All routine endoscopic procedures take place in the Endoscopy Unit.
The term âendoscopyâ is the examination of the interior of the body, using an optical viewing instrument. This includes gastroscopies and colonoscopies. Other procedures such as biopsies and removal of polyps also take place in the Endoscopy Unit.
You will walk from the private patient unit to the Endoscopy Unit with your nurse. Following your procedure, your nurse will escort you back to the private patient unit.
You may go straight to the Endoscopy Unit for your procedure. Your treatment and discharge will take place in Endoscopy.
Critical Care Facilities
Jersey General Hospital has Intensive Care and High Dependency Units. Both units feature the latest equipment in a modern, spacious environment. Depending on your procedure or if you have any underlying medical issues, you may need a stay in either unit. There are a total of 12 beds across both units, with two isolation rooms.