ā€‹Private healthcare incurs charges from different providers. You'll receive individual invoices from everyone involved in your care.
It is important you are aware of all charges related to your care to avoid unexpected bills.
You are liable for any charges incurred as a private patient. Take home medication is not charged for.
Contact the Private Patient Finance Office on +44 (0) 1534 444495 for full details of hospital charges.
Hospital charges
We (the Jersey General Hospital) will invoice you for the following:
daily rate for nursing care and accommodation
use of operating theatre
surgical or laparoscopic supplies and prosthetics
high cost drugs and loan instrument kits
daily rate for critical care if required (High Dependency Unit or Intensive Care Unit)
outpatient appointments, treatment room and plaster appointments for dressing changes / wound checks / suture removal / IV antibiotics / casts and fittings
transport by ambulance or a Patient Transport Services vehicle to and from Jersey General Hospital
Off-island private treatment
if you require onward treatment to a UK hospital, as a private patient, you will not be eligible for any form of funding from Health and Care Jersey. If you are insured, please check with your insurer as to whether you are covered for treatment overseas.
As an insured or self-pay patient, you are liable for all costs relating to treatment, travel including flight repatriation, accommodation and emergency air ambulance transfers.
Consultant charges
Your consultant will invoice you or your insurance company for any services they deliver during your treatment. Please contact your consultant's secretary for a breakdown of any charges that may apply. This will include:
ward visits
surgical fees (performing your procedure)
reporting charges (interpretation of results)
follow-up care arrangements
Supporting services charges
Your consultant may also get input from other medical specialties.
These may include: anaesthesiology, radiology, clinical investigations, microbiology, pathology, phlebotomy and physiotherapy.
You will receive a charge for use of these services.
Insured patients
You must contact your insurance company before coming into hospital. This is to check that your policy covers your operation or treatment.
You may need to provide a bank/credit card guarantee of payment, if you are unable to confirm your insurance cover.
Your insurer will give you a pre-authorisation number as a reference. You'll need to give this pre-authorisation number to anybody involved in your care.
Changes to the length of your stay
If the length of your stay changes, we will talk to your insurer on your behalf. Extension of your insurance cover isn't guaranteed.
The hospital will process invoices with your insurer on your behalf. This is subject to you having provided relevant claim information.
You are liable for any charges incurred as a private patient. You must pay any remaining amounts or shortfalls not covered by your insurer.
Paying for yourself (self-pay patients)
You don't need to have medical insurance to get private treatment. You can simply pay for your treatment.
Many private patients are now opting for 'self-pay' treatment - paying for one-off surgical or medical care. If you choose the self-pay route, you will need to see your GP and they will refer you to a consultant.
You will meet with your consultant to discuss appropriate treatment. During your appointment, they will give you information about their private fees. Jersey General Hospital will charge you for your hospital stay (if required) and theatre costs. If you require an anaesthetist, a separate charge will apply. Other charges may also apply, see Supporting Services Charges on this page for more information.
Our Private Patient Finance Office will be able to help you through the payment process. They will provide details of hospital costs for your required treatment. Contact the team on +44 (0) 1534 444495 for full details.
You will be asked to pay in advance to cover the cost of your accommodation (if required) and theatre charge. The Private Patient Finance Office will send you an invoice. Cleared payment is due at least 7 days before your admission date. You are able to pay online, by bank transfer or by credit/debit card. We will also ask you to sign an Agreement to Pay Form, if not already completed. This will cover any extra days incurred on the private patient unit, consumables and prosthetics. You will receive an invoice for these charges following discharge.
See our
Paying for your care section for more information about chargeable support services and who to contact.