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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Patient receiving treatmentPatient receiving treatment

Jersey Private Patientsā€™ values reflects those of the States of Jersey. We ensure these values are in keeping with the needs of our patients.

Our values puts you, the patient, at the heart of what we do:

Jersey Private Patients values

Customer focus

We are passionate about the quality of care we provide. We offer choice and convenience, in a safe, compassionate environment. We offer a professional on-island private patient service, with friends and family close by.

Constantly improving

We tailor our service, with you in mind. We respond to your feedback and change our service for the better. We invest in our people to ensure you receive high standards of care.

Always respectful

We respect your privacy and dignity. We are approachable, kind and considerate. We understand the importance of time and keeping you and your family informed.

Better together

We bring together multi-disciplinary teams across the hospital and community. This ensures the best possible outcome for your care and recovery.

We deliver

We take pride and responsibility in delivering the best possible private patient experience. We make every effort to meet your individual needs.

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