​About our service
The Community Navigator is a free service based at the
Psychological Assessment and Therapy Service (PATS).
We help adult survivors of childhood trauma with their recovery needs. We work alongside:
- the Complex Trauma Network
- all of Health and Community Services
- third sector organisations coming into contact with survivors of childhood trauma
Our team includes 4 Community Navigators based within the wider team of PATS.
We'll treat you with care, consideration, dignity and respect and offer choices
in the service we provide wherever possible.
Who we help and what we offer
Our aim is to promote sustainable recovery and wellbeing for
adult survivors of childhood trauma with the support of voluntary organisations.
If you have been affected by childhood trauma, our team can help you identify and establish meaningful engagement. We offer support for up to 6 months to signpost and support you towards creating a life worth living within your community.
The referral process
You can be referred to our service by:
- Health Care Professionals, within
Health and Care Jersey
- General Practitioners (GPs)
- third sector agencies and organisations
Once your referral is accepted an initial appointment is made for a Community Navigator to assess you.
Referral forms are available from PATS:
Tel: +44 (0) 1534 444550
Email: PATS@health.gov.je
Address completed referral forms for the attention of Community Navigators and email to:
Your initial appointment
Your initial appointment will be an assessment of 1 and a half hour.
You'll need to complete some questionnaires before the appointment to bring on the day.
The initial assessment is your chance to discuss your values and goals with a Community Navigator.
​​We can also support you identify suitable community-based opportunities and activities which the Community Navigator can help you access.
We offer appointments Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm. All appointments will take place at an agreed community location where possible.