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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Maufant Village pedestrian crossing

​​About the project

As part of Infrastructure and Environment (IE) work to improve road safety across the i​sland and following requests for improved pedestrian facilities in Maufant, we will undertake works in Maufant to install a new pedestrian crossing adjacent to the Youth Centre on La Grande Route de St. Martin.

This crossing facility will help residents of Maufant safely cross the road to access the Youth centre, village shops and other amenities.

Conceptual design of Maufant Village pedestrian crossing​Schedule of works

Dates can change depending on weather.




Traffic management
Street lighting improvementsMonday 6 January to Friday 17 January 2025 
Lane closures
Pedestrian crossing installation and footway wideningMonday 20 January to Friday 14 March 2025 
Lane closures
​Pedestrian crossing installation
​Monday 17 March to Wednesday 19 March 2025
​Not complete
​​Lane closures


Pedestrian and vehicle access to businesses and premises will be maintained where possible during the works.


Bus services will be maintained throughout the works.
Find more information on LibertyBus​.

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