​​​​​​Placement dates 2025
Trident placements are full-time for 2 weeks.
Beaulieu Convent School | 3 March to 14 March
| Monday 21 October 2024
De La Salle College
| 16 June to 27 June
| Monday 18 November 2024
Grainville School
| 2 June to 13 June
| Monday 18 November 2024
Haute Vallee School
| 7 July to 18 July | Monday 18 November 2024
Hautlieu School
| 3 February to 14 February
| Monday 21 October 2024
Jersey College for Girls | 8 July to 19 July
| Monday 18 November 2024
Le Rocquier School | 16 June to 27 June
| Monday 18 November 2024
Les Quennevais School | 17 March to 28 March
| Monday 21 October 2024
Victoria College | 2 June to 13 June
| Monday 18 November 2024​
About Trident
Trident is an unpaid work experience programme that all Jersey students in secondary schools take part during Year 10. It’s an opportunity to experience working life while at school.
Trident is part of the school curriculum and gives students the chance to:
- work alongside adults as part of a team
- develop and practice essential skills such as time management, teamwork, initiative and communication
- become more confident in your abilities
- relate your school curriculum and qualifications to the work place
- make more informed decisions about your future
- gain a real understanding of working life and employers’ expectations
- build contacts that may help you with future employment
Trident information for students
Trident information for parents
How to apply for your Trident placement
Your school will talk to you about the programme and explain what you have to do.
You’ll need to:
- log on the Skills Jersey work experience database. You’ll receive your username and password in your school email
- select 6 equal choices from our list of opportunities
- print and complete the application form
There are around 500 options to choose from in our database or you can arrange your own work placement.
You can be placed in any of your choices so make sure you’re happy with them. You cannot change your placement after an employer confirms it.
Trident Student Application Guide
What to consider when you choose
You should choose a placement that really interests you. It can be something:
- you’re thinking of doing as your career and you want to see what it's like
- you have always wanted to try but you do not want to do it as a full-time job
You should also consider:
- the placement location and how you’ll get there each day
- the environment you would like to experience such as working in an office, outside, in a group or more individually
- if you would like to be customer facing or work behind the scene
Some placements are seasonal and you can only choose them during some periods.
Arrange your own work placement
If there’s an organisation not on our database you can contact them and ask if they would offer you work experience. Make sure you check the placement list on Skills Jersey database first.
To arrange your own work placement:
- complete the online form below
- send to the organisation the new employer application form for them to complete. You can find the link to the online form on the
Trident information for employers
- apply for your Trident placement, including selecting 6 equal choices
After we receive the applications from you and the employer we’ll contact the organisation to confirm they agree to give you a placement.
It’s your responsibility to make sure the organisation completes and returns their application. If we do not receive the information in time you will have to go on another placement.
You cannot work with close relatives.
Trident student own work placement form​
After your placement is confirmed
We try to confirm your placement 3 weeks before your placement period.
You’ll receive an information pack at school that includes:
- interview letter
- blue agreement form
- placement description
- information sheet
- letter to your parents
When you receive your information pack you’ll need to contact your placement provider as soon as possible to arrange an interview.
You must bring the blue agreement form to the interview and get it signed by the placement provider. You must return the signed form to your school before your placement start. If you do not return the form you will not be allowed to start your placement.
If you try and cannot contact your placement provider, speak to your Trident Coordinator at school or contact the Trident team.
Reselect​ion and early interviews
It can happen that an employer cannot take students at a particular time. If this is the case we’ll contact you to reselect and make new placement choices.
If you need to reselect you’ll receive an email from the Trident team which will tell you what to do.
If you need help making your new choices contact the Trident team.
Early interviews
Some employers may ask for an interview before the usual 3 weeks. This can happen because of extra processes they need to complete to make sure everything is ready for your first day.
The Trident team will contact you via email and you’ll need to contact your placement provider as soon as possible.​​