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​​​​​​​​Deciding what to study

You can find information on different subjects including entry requirements and what you can do with your degree on the subject guides on UCAS

If you're unsure of what degree to study Discover Uni gives advice on what you need to consider.

How to choose a course on Discover Uni

Find what jobs you can do with your degree on Prospects. This can also give you career ideas for areas that interest you.

What can I do with my degree on Prospects

The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) is the online centralised service used by students to apply for university.

On UCAS you can find:

  • information on key dates and deadlines
  • what you need to know about applying to university
  • how to guides and videos

The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS)

UCAS also have dedicated pages to advise and guide parents through the application process.

Advice for parents, guardians and carers on UCAS

To receive updates and information on key dates you can sign up for the UCAS Parents Newsletter.

Find guidance on comparing universities, open days and courses information on:

REACH magazine 2​024

The Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) is one of the most popular academic qualifications for teaching. If you’re interested in teaching find out more about the PGCE on Prospects

Choosing a university or college

Each university is different and can suit different people. There is not a single university that is the best choice for everyone.

You should consider:

  • type of university or campus such as if it’s traditional or modern
  • the UCAS Location guide
  • types of accommodation offered
  • how the course is taught and assessed
  • university life​
  • support available from the university
  • opportunities offered such as work placements and study abroad

You can find more information on what to consider on which university is right for you on UniGuide.

​How to choose the right university video on UCAS​

Researching University Tool

Jersey Higher Education Fair

The Higher Education Fair happens in March each year. It hosts universities from the UK, a few from overseas and on-Island.

The fair is an opportunity to speak to different universities about what they offer.

Higher Education Fair on Jersey Skills Show

Careers and education events

Visits to universities

Visiting a university can help you find out what a university is like. It also gives you the opportunity to:

  • meet tutors
  • current students
  • see accommodation
  • see facilities linked to your course

If you cannot attend their open days, most universities can arrange tours or meetings for you to visit at different times. Some universities also offer virtual open days. Contact the university or department you’re interested in for details.

Find more information on attending open days, dates and how to prepare on:

Residentials or summer schools

Residentials give you an in-depth experience at university over several days.

You’ll be able to:

  • stay in the accommodation
  • explore the area
  • take part in events, lectures and seminars in the subject area you’re interested in

Every university has a different residential offer. Some focus on students with difficulties attending higher education and others are open to everyone. Residentials are mainly open to Year 12 students.

Learn about uni on a taster course on UCAS

What are university residentials and summer schools on UniTasterDays

Help and advice

If you're in education, speak to your careers or subject teacher. You can also contact Skills Jersey to book an appointment to discuss in more detail.

Completing your UCAS form and personal statements

You can apply for up to 5 university courses on UCAS. This is done through a central application form on their website.

If you're a full time student you should speak with your school or college careers department before you apply. If you're returning to education you can find support from Skills Jersey.

Applying to University on UCAS

Personal sta​tements

A personal statement is a short essay needed for UK university applications. It can be up to 4,000 characters or 47 lines.

It’s an important element of your application process. It gives you the opportunity to provide tutors a deeper insight into you as an individual, beyond your grades.

A good statement should:

  • be memorable and help you stand out
  • highlight your relevant skills and experience
  • demonstrate your passion, commitme​nt and suitability for the course​

A well written statement can improve your chances of recei​ving an offer.

How to write your undergraduate personal statement on UCAS

Personal statement guides for specific subjects on UCAS​

For more information or help contact the Careers Guidance team.​

Interviews for higher education​

Interviews are different between universities and courses. They can follow a traditional​ format or you can be asked to complete tasks or other types of assessments.

Your interview can be in person or virtually.

If you’re invited to an interview and you cannot pay for your travelling costs contact Student Finance

Presenting your best self in interviews on UCAS

Prepare for your interview

Before the interview:

  • if you’re going in person, make sure you know where to go and how long it’ll take you to get there
  • plan your travel from Jersey in advance in case of bad weather delay
  • read the prospectus and any course literature 
  • think about how to be clear on why you want to do this course and this University over any other
  • think about what is it that makes it unique and interesting to you
  • re-read your application and personal statement. The people interviewing you will have read this so it’s important you remember what you said
  • research the tutors in the department so you know who they are and their area of expertise
  • find out about any current issues, news or developments in your subject area and read up on them
  • look up information about the department and course on the University’s website. They sometimes have their own resources and advice on how their interviews work and what to expect
  • think about the skills and interests you have developed through employment, volunteering, or anything you do outside of education. The people interviewing you will want to know more about you as a person
  • arrange and practice a mock interview with teachers at school or at Skills Jersey

On the day of your interview:

  • be punctual. Take contact numbers in case you’re late
  • keep calm. You’ve been invited for an interview because they want to meet you and get to know you
  • be enthusiastic
  • think about your body language and eye contact
  • if you’re not sure about a question ask for clarification or the question to be repeated
  • ask questions. This is your opportunity to find out everything you want to know about the course and University. It’s good to have 3 or 4 questions prepared but do not ask for information easy to find on their website or prospectus

After your interview:

  • remember that an interview is also the chance for you to find out if a place is right for you so think about the whole experience
  • think about if you get a good feeling about the environment and people you met
  • make notes on questions and answers, what went well and things you could improve

Virtual interviews

If your interview is virtual you should also:

  • check your camera and sound are working
  • make sure you have good internet connection
  • stay away from any background noise or potential disruptions
  • prepare your screen background to make sure it’s appropriate​​
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