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​​Writing your CV

A CV is a short written summary of your career, qualifications, skills and experience. It gives employers a first impression of you and can help you reach interview stage.

Your CV should be 1 to 2 pages and should:

  • focus on your strengths and experience relevant to the job. Use the job description to help you
  • look professional. Use clear font with headings
  • include a professional email address
  • detail hobbies that are relevant to the role and show your skills
  • have links to your professional portfolios, if relevant
  • be honest about your skills, qualifications and experiences
  • be proofread before you send it

You CV should not:

  • detail your date of birth, unless your age is needed for the role
  • have a photo
  • include your marital status
  • include your references
  • detail hobbies not relevant to the role or your skills such as socialising with friends

You should also think about your social media presence. Employers can look at your profiles when shortlisting.

Some companies may use recruitment software to help shortlist candidates. The software checks to see if you match the requirements of the role. 

To help you get through recruitment software:

  • format your CV with clear headings
  • avoid using tables
  • use keywords from the job description

Types of CVs

There are different types of CVs that can be used when applying for opportunities The most common are chronological CVs which detail most recent experience to oldest.

Skills based CV example

Adult CV example

School leaver CV

A school leaver CV should highlight:

  • where you currently are in your career and study path
  • what you learnt from your studies
  • your careers objectives

You should have the information about your education before your work experience.

School leaver CV example

Graduate CV

A graduate CV should highlight the degree modules you studied and any projects you did.

Gradute CV example

Creative CV

If you’re applying for a creative role you might consider using a creative CV. Find more information on creative CVs on

You can also find free CV and cover letters templates in the template gallery of, Microsoft office or Canva.

Writing your cover letter

You send a cover letter to employers with your CV. It should be tailored to each job you apply for.

If you apply by email you can make your letter the body of the email instead of an attachment.

Your cover letter should:

  • be professional and written on a formal business letter
  • introduce yourself and be clear on why you’re writing
  • explain why you’re interested and suitable for the role and company. You can highlight relevant information from your CV
  • address any gaps in your CV
  • conclude with a summary and sign off

Cover letter example

Write to ask about roles not advertised

If an organisation does not have jobs advertised but you'd like to work for them you can send a general cover letter. This is also known as a speculative letter.

You should write your letter in the same style as a cover letter and: 

  • ask about possible vacancies
  • explain why you'd like to work for them
  • tell them the position you’re interested in

General cover letter example

Help with your CV or cover letter

If you need help contact us ​or make an appointment with our Careers Guidance team.

Book an appointment with Careers Guidance​

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