What to do in a mental health crisis In a mental health crisis, call us on +44 (0) 1534 445290.
If you're worried about your mental health and need urgent support and help, don't hesitate to call.
We sometimes receive a large number of calls. You might need to leave us a message but we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
In a crisis, we aim to see you within 4 hours, where this is assessed to be clinically indicated. Otherwise, we'll arrange for you to be seen as soon as possible depending on your needs.
If there is an immediate risk If you or someone you know are in immediate danger of serious harm and you need immediate medical help or the help of the police call 999.
Give as much information as possible to the operator and be as clear as you can when giving your address or location, and telephone number.
People receiving treatment or help for mental ill health If you're already receiving support from one of our community mental health teams, you should contact the team and your care co-ordinator or the team's duty worker.
You can call us 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday:
Older Adults, Community Mental Health Team on +44 (0) 1534 444830
Working age adults, Community Mental Health Team on +44 (0) 1534 445270
If you need support outside of these hours call us on +44 (0) 1534 445290.
About the Mental Health Network The Mental Health Network provides information, advice and support for people in Jersey on all aspects of mental health.
It is the definitive online network for all of Jersey's mental health services, giving you the right help, in the right place, at the right time.
We're currently working with all mental health providers in the Island to make this online resource fit all your mental health needs.
Your guide to the Mental Health Network
Your guide to the Mental Health Network in Portuguese
Your guide to the Mental Health Network in Polish
Your guide to the Mental Health Network in Romanian
If you're at immediate risk If you, or your family member have self-harmed or are at immediate risk call 999.
Acting early to make a difference We've worked hard to make sure that when you ask for support you get it as quickly as possible.
We're all working together, so whoever you choose to contact, they will make sure that you get the help and support you need.
You can directly contact any of the services listed below.
Hub for Hope
If you don't know where to start, you could look at the
Hub of Hope website . Hub of Hope lists our services to give you easy access to finding out:
what they do how they can help how you can contact them
Alcohol or drug issues Alcohol and drug service Advice on how the Alcohol and Drugs Service can help you.
Information on the alcohol and drug service
Silkworth Lodge If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol and/or drug dependency, Silkworth can bring healing and hope to anyone affected by drink or drug addiction.
Silkworth Lodge website
Children and young people
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
CAMHS is a mental health assessment and therapeutic service for children and young people up to the age of 18 and their families. Visit CAMHS for more information.
Youth Enquiry Service (YES)
YES provides confidential information, advice and support for young people.
Youth Wellbeing Drop-In The Youth Wellbeing Drop-In is a free informal service to have a confidential chat, have a cup of tea or coffee, or just browse what's on offer.
It's available to:
young people
carers A Mental Health Practitioner is available to answer any questions in a private space and to provide support and guidance. This can be on anything from how to recognise signs and symptoms of mental health issues to how better manage anxiety, depression self-harm and eating disorders.
A Youth Worker will also be available for:
general queries signposting to wellbeing support tools helping you understand what local support services can help
The drop in service is open every Saturday from 11am to 4pm.
Tel: +44 (0) 1534 280530Email:
Youth Wellbeing Drop-in Youth Enquiry Service The Link Eagle House La Colomberie St Helier JE2 4QB
Children and Families Hub Find help and support for children, young people and families in Jersey on the
Children and Families Hub .
Kooth is an online mental wellbeing community. Free, safe and anonymous support.
NSPCC The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) is a charity campaigning and working in child protection in Jersey. We support Jersey families to help make sure children are given the best chance in life.
Silkworth Lodge
Silkworth lodge offers support for anyone affected by drug and alcohol addiction. They offer a Silkteen Programme for 13 to 18 year olds and a Silkworms Programme for 7 to 12 year olds.
Counselling and emotional support Jersey Hospice Care Available to adults and children of all ages in need of support whilst coming to terms with life limiting illness. The service is made up of a team of counsellors, volunteer support workers and student counsellors.
Jersey Hospice Care
Jersey Talking Therapies A free confidential therapy service and are now in partnership with our third sector organisations to give clients a wider option of support. Confidential psychological interventions for resident adults aged 18 or over.
In the past you had to go to your GP for a referral to get support from our Jersey Talking Therapies service. Now you can directly contact JTT, getting quick and easier access to the support they offer.
Jersey Talking Therapies
Listening Lounge A team of counsellors and peer workers provide a range of different support options which can all be accessed free of charge and without the need for a referral. You can visit the lounge during our opening hours by making an appointment by phone or email.
Listening Lounge
Liberate Jersey Free counselling to anyone who is struggling to cope with the changes to daily life imposed by the pandemic. It is open to anyone living in Jersey and will be on a first-come-first-served basis.
Liberate Jersey website
Mind Jersey Provides support to people living with mental illness. Their vision is of a society that promotes and protects good mental health for all, and that treats people with experience of mental illness fairly, positively and with respect.
Mind Jersey website
Samaritans Jersey Working together to make sure fewer people die by suicide. No judgement. No pressure. For anyone who needs someone.
Samaritans, Jersey website
Zero Suicide Alliance The Zero Suicide Alliance is concerned with improving support for people contemplating suicide by raising awareness of, and promoting, FREE suicide prevention training which is accessible to all.
Zero Suicide Alliance
Major incidents wellbeing support
What is a traumatic event A traumatic event can be deeply distressing and frightening. It can include being involved in or witnessing a:
serious incident event traumatic death Jersey experienced 3 major incidents between December 2022 and January 2023:
the maritime tragedy the Haut du Mont tragedy the Grands Vaux flash flooding Although these events may be over it’s very common and quite normal for people to experience emotional reactions. This is because traumatic incidents usually happen suddenly and without warning.
When to get professional help Many people find that the feelings they experienced after a traumatic event gradually reduce. However, you may need to see professional help if your feelings are too much for you or go on for too long.
You should get professional support if you:
feel overwhelmed by sadness, anxiety or other reactions have no one to share your feelings with for support detach from friends and family more and more are drinking too much, or using drugs to cope with your feelings have nightmares and cannot sleep are struggling to work Support for adults Health and Care Jersey mental health services have partnered with a range of psychological therapists and counsellors to provide specialist services that are specific to the major incidents.
To access this service email
JTT@health.gov.je and include ‘Major Incidents’ in the subject heading.
You can also access support through:
Listening Lounge For support call +44 (0) 1534 866793:
Monday to Friday from 10am to 10pm weekends from 8am to midnight Bereavement Support and Counselling (Jersey Hospice) Call +44 (0) 1534 285144 or email
bereavement@jerseyhospicecare.com .
Resources for adults
Helping adults cope after a traumatic event leaflet
Helping adults cope after a traumatic event leaflet in Portuguese
Helping adults cope after a traumatic event leaflet in Filipino
Support for children and young people You should get professional support for your child if their distress and reactions to a traumatic experience does not improve over the weeks and months following the trauma.
Children and Families Hub The hub provides information, advice and support for families and young people:
Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5pm Fridays 8:30am to 4:30pm You can call +44 (0) 1534 519000 or email
childrenandfamilieshub@gov.je .
Children and Families Hub
YES (Youth Inquiry Service) and CAMHS Saturday Wellbeing Drop-In This service is available to parents, carers and young people.
A mental health practitioner is available to answer any questions in a private space and to provide support and guidance.
Open every Saturday from 11am to 4pm.
The Link, Eagle House, La Colomberie, St Helier, JE2 4QB
Call +44 (0) 1534 280530 or email
yes@jys.je .
Jersey Hospice Community bereavement service available to adults, young people and children.
Call +44 (0) 1534 285144 or visit
Jersey Hospice Care .
Kooth Kooth is an online counselling and support available 24 hours for anyone aged 1 to 25.
It offers bookable counselling sessions from Monday to Friday 12pm to 10pm and Saturday and Sunday 6pm to 10pm.
childline childline offers support for children and young people:
Resources for parents, carers and young people
Helping children cope after a major incident leaflet
Helping children cope after a major incident leaflet in Portuguese
Dealing with traumatic events, leaflet for young people
Helping young people cope after a major incident leaflet
Helping young people cope after a major incident leaflet in Portuguese
How adults experience traumatic events We all react differently and take different amounts of time to come to terms with what has happened. It's normal to experience a mix of feelings and you may be surprised by the strength of your feelings.
Some common feelings include:
shock numbness denial adrenaline reaction sadness anger fear guilt shame or embarrassment After a traumatic event, you may distance yourself from those you are close to, friends and family. You may experience some or all of the following reactions:
changes in appetite difficulty sleeping or nightmares have difficulty thinking clearly aches and pains feel very tired feel that your heart is beating faster poor concentration changes in sex drive and libido What you can do It's important to accept and acknowledge that you have been through a highly stressful experience.
Take care of yourself by maintaining a regular routine of eating, sleeping and daily activities. Allow yourself extra time to complete tasks and get plenty of rest. Try not to rely on alcohol or drugs and avoid making hasty decisions.
Practice breathing. People under stress or experiencing panic unconsciously change their pattern of breathing. When you feel stressed or panicky take 4 to 5 slow deep breaths that let you inhale and exhale completely.
Talk about your feelings and stress reaction with someone who is a good listener and is supportive. Talking to friends, family, colleagues, or a specialist counsellor is a natural way to heal from very stressful experiences.
How children and young people experience trauma Children and young people will have different reactions following a traumatic event.
Common reactions of children and young people to traumatic events include:
Physical reactions Children and young people might experience increased feelings of anxiety and fear which may result in physical reactions such as headaches, stomach aches, loss of appetite or changes in sleep pattern.
Young people might feel drained with no energy, or so alert and buzzing that they can’t relax or sleep. They may be unable to concentrate and be easily distracted.
Behavioural and emotional reactions Young children might revert back to some behaviour that they had previously grown out of such as:
bed wetting thumb sucking excessive clinging not being able to sleep alone at night Children may experience sadness, anger, moodiness, distress.
They may be quiet or tearful or they may have tantrums and be overactive. They may find it difficult to concentrate and pay attention in play or in school.
Young people might behave in a manner that is regarded as out of character for them, for example, they may become unusually quiet or unresponsive. They might feel irritable and lose their temper easily. Their relationships with parents and friends might change and they might respond strongly to parents.
Signs of stress Young children might worry that something bad will happen to them again. They might not like to separate from parents or carers and might become distressed if separated for an extended length of time.
Young people might show signs of distress, including:
being irritable or easily startled experiencing nightmares not wanting to go out poor concentration difficulties with school performance Recurring memories of the event Children and young people can be triggered into remembering the event by seeing something that reminds them of it, but also by smells or sounds of the event.
Memories can come in the form of flashbacks or nightmares. Flashbacks of previous traumatic events can recur.
Domestic abuse Jersey Domestic Abuse Support An independent service developed to protect and support victims of domestic and sexual abuse. Qualified Independent Domestic Violence Advisors provide support and advice to develop long-term safety solutions for men, women and their families.
Jersey Domestic Abuse Support
Jersey Women's Refuge The Jersey Women's Refuge provides a safe place for women and children to go who are victims of domestic abuse, providing a 24 hour, confidential service, which offers practical and emotional support to women and children suffering from abuse.
Jersey Women's Refuge
Eating disorders The aim of the charity is to provide a safe space where people can come and share their experiences whether you are affected personally or if you are a family member or friend who is concerned about a loved one affected by an eating disorder.
Jersey Eating Disorders Support
Mental health or capacity issues Dementia Jersey Dementia Jersey was formed in 2010 to support everyone in the Island affected by dementia in whatever way. The Dementia Jersey team will point you in the right direction and offer every support we can to people with dementia, family, friends and carers.
Dementia Jersey website
Focus on Mental Illness Our aim is to preserve, and where possible improve, the quality of life of all those in Jersey affected by severe mental illness.
Focus on Mental Illness Facebook page
Mind Jersey Provides support to people living with mental illness. Their vision is of a society that promotes and protects good mental health for all, and that treats people with experience of mental illness fairly, positively and with respect.
Mind Jersey
Move More Jersey Moving More is good for your mental and physical health. Taking part in a short daily wellbeing activity is an easy step to add into your daily routine at home, to keep you feeling a little better in body and mind.
Move More Jersey website
My Voice Independent advocacy for mental health in Jersey supporting people who are severely affected by mental illness or lacking capacity, including schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, depression, personality disorder, dementia.
My Voice website
Togetherall Togetherall provides something that has always been important for good mental health and wellbeing: a community for shared experiences and mutual support. The platform promotes a sense of belonging and connection through community. It's accessible to Islanders anywhere, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
Phobias, OCD and related conditions
Triumph Over Phobia Triumph Over Phobia (TOP) Jersey is a self-help group for sufferers of phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and related conditions. They aim to help sufferers overcome their fears and become ex-sufferers. Group meetings are held weekly.
Triumph Over Phobia website