​​​​Termination​ care in Jersey 
A termination is a way of ending a pregnancy, it’s sometimes called an abortion. 
It can be done in 2 ways:
- ​medical termination, where 2 medicines are taken 24 to 48 hours apart
surgical termination, where the pregnancy is removed during a short operation under general anaesthetic
When you can have a termination​
You can have a termination in Jersey up to the end of your 12th week of pregnancy, which is 12 weeks and 6 days from the start of your last menstrual period.
It’s illegal to have a termination in Jersey after the end of the 12th week of pregnancy, other than in very limited circumstances.
If you’re more than 12 weeks and 6 days pregnant, you need to arrange a termination in another country where it is legal, such as the UK.
In the UK, you can have a termination up to the end of the 23rd week of pregnancy, which is 23 weeks and 6 days from the start of your last menstrual period. ​
To work out how many weeks pregnant you are, count the number of weeks from since the first day of your last menstrual period or use the ​using the
NHS due date​ calculator.
Limited circumstances
Other circumstances when a medical professional may talk to you about whether you want to have a termination are:​
- before the end of the 24th week of pregnancy, if there are signs that your child, if born, would suffer from physical or mental abnormalities and be seriously disabled
- if necessary to save your life or prevent grave and permanent injury to your physical or mental health​
In these circumstances, if you’re referred for treatment in the UK, this will be paid for in full by Health and Care Jersey.
How to arrange a termination​
To arrange a termination, make an appointment to see either:
They’ll discuss your circumstances with you and refer you to the Termination of Pregnancy clinic which is held in the Gynaecology outpatients’ department at the General Hospital.  
Make an appointment as soon as possible. While terminations are a very safe procedure, they are safer when performed earlier in pregnancy.  
What to expect during your appointment
When you’re referred to the Termination of Pregnancy clinic we’ll schedule an appointment for you. These appointments are usually scheduled once a week. Waiting times can vary, but you should expect to wait no more than 2 weeks for your appointment. You'll be seen by the Gynaecology nurse and doctor.
At your appointment, they will:
- talk to you about your circumstances
- check that you still want to go ahead
- help you decide which type of termination is best for you ​​​
They might also check how many weeks pregnant you are by performing an ultrasound scan.  They'll also discuss contraception for after the procedure with you.
Hospital charges for termination​ care
​If you have been resident in Jersey for 6 months or ​m​ore
| ​£185
​If you have been resident in Jersey for less than 6 months and do not meet any other criteria in the residents and non-residents charging policy
residents and non-residents charging policy
| ​£511​
​If at the time of referral, you are:​ - under 18​
- a full-time student​
- in a household in receipt of income support​
- pregnant as a result of rape or incest
| ​No charge
​Find more advice on healthcare fees and criteria for full-time students and households receiving Income Support on:
​​Support  available to you
The Gynaecology team can refer you to the Women and Children’s counselling service at the General Hospital.
Alternatively, you can contact the
Listening Lounge or
Mind Jersey​. These services provide free, independent counselling where you can talk through and explore your feelings in a non-judgmental and unbiased way. 
​Find guidance on confirming a pregnancy, and options if unsure about continuing the pregnancy I think I'm pregnant.