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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Couple with baby scanCouple with baby scan

ā€‹Maternity care with your GP

In Jersey, you have the choice of attending antenatal and post-natal appointments at the General Hospital or at your registered GP clinic.

If you choose to have your appointments at your GP clinic, there will be a charge. The majority of clinics offer an antenatal package with a set price to cover GP appointments and midwife appointments during your pregnancy. Contact your registered GP clinic to find out more about the service they offer.

A list of GPs can be found in the Jersey Online Directory


The benefits to the pregnant women have their antenatal care through GP clinics are:

  • seeing the same midwife from the start until postnatal discharge to the Health Visitor
  • better care planning with improved communication between hospital and community services
  • consistency of care with your GP during pregnancy, usually seeing them for two antenatal appointments during the pregnancy
  • women with low risk pregnancies are seen in the community, relieving hospital obstetric services for women with complicated pregnancies

Community midwives

Most GP clinics in the Island have assigned community midwives. The benefit of having your antenatal appointments at your GP clinic is that you will usually see the same midwives throughout your pregnancy.

Community midwives also visit women at home, usually for up to 10 days after they have given birth. Health visitors usually take over post-natal (after birth) care from around day 10. If a woman needs extra support, the community midwives may visit for up to 28 days after she has given birth.

Community midwives are based at The Bridge Centre.

You can contact Community Midwives by calling +44 (0) 1534 449139.


If you choose to have antenatal scans, you will need to attend the General Hospital.

Post-natal care

You should discuss with your GP what appointments are provided for free after you have your baby. You will also need to schedule a check-up six-weeks after you have your baby with your GP which is free of charge.

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