Funded IVF is IVF treatment that is paid for by Health and Care Jersey (HCJ),​ if you meet the financial cr​iteria and all other criteria.
Funded IVF is only available to couples. This includes ​same-sex female couples who meet the criteria.​
What we will fund
For couples who meet the criteria we will fund a maximum of:
- up to 3 cycles of IVF for women under 40, but we may fund less depending on household income
- up to one cycle of IVF for women aged 40 to 42, and have undergone tests showing they are likely to respond to treatment​
A cycle of funded IVF includes the following, but only where clinically appropriate:
- counselling before, during and after treatment
- ovarian stimulation and associated medication
- egg collection
- sperm collection
- embryo fertilisation, including intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) where clinically recommended
- a fresh embryo transfer, with a single embryo transferred into the uterus unless, for clinical reasons, the Assisted Reproduction Unit’s ​lead consultant authorises the transfer of more than 1 embryo
- the freezing, storage and transfer costs of up to 2 suitable embryos, if the transfers are within 12 months of starting the IVF treatment cycle
We'​ll select a clinic for funded IVF that is licensed by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA).​
What we won't fund​
​We will not fund:
- travel and accommodation costs associated with receiving treatment in the UK. You'll need to arrange your own travel and accommodation
- costs and sourcing of donor eggs or sperm if required. However, this won’t prevent you from accessing funded IVF if you're eligible and able to source and fund donor eggs or sperm​. Find more details in 'What we will fund'​
- costs of IVF and pre-implantation genetic testing for couples where either partner has a confirmed genetic condition if the reason for IVF relates to genetic screening as distinct from infertility
- medication for ovarian stimulation, unless you meet all the criteria. We previously funded this medication for anyone receiving IVF treatment but will not do so from  1 January 2025 unless you are having a funded IVF cycle​
- an IVF cycle until all frozen embryos from previous IVF treatments stored in the UK have been used
- any cycles over the maximum number of funded IVF cycles that each couple is eligible for. This means if you are eligible for up to 2 funded cycles, but you have previously had 1 cycle, we will only fund 1 new cycle
The maximum number includes any IVF cycles:
- that you or your partner have already had, whether in your current relationship or a previous relationship
- that you, your partner or someone else paid for (we will not count any cycles that take place between 21 August 2024 and 1 January 2025 providing those cycles were not funded by a public body)
- which were not successful​
Financial criteria
The maximum number of funded IVF cycles you may be eligible for is based on gross household income.
In all cases IVF must be clinically appropriate:
​Any income
| ​Yes
| ​No
| ​No
​Less than £200,000
| ​Yes
| ​Yes
| ​No
​Less than £82,300
| ​Yes
| ​Yes
| ​Yes
Gross household income includes earned income and unearned income, for example:
- shares
- savings interest
- rental income
We will verify this using assessed taxable income data held​ by Revenue Jersey. You'll need to consent to Revenue Jersey sharing this information with us.
£82,300 is the median income for working age couples in Jersey with no dependent children (based on 2021 data). This means that a significant proportion of people needing funded IVF treatment will benefit. The £200,000 upper income limit reflects the Government of Jersey’s policy on access to student grants.
Other criteria
In addition to the financial criteria, you must also meet all the following criteria:
​Stable relat​ionship​​​​​
| You and your partner must be in a stable relationship and have lived together for at least 2 years immediately before treatment​
| ​You and your partner must have been ordinarily resident in Jersey for at least 12 months immediately before treatment.
​Legal parenthood
| ​Neither you or your partner have children whether from your current relationship or a previous relationship. This includes adopted children and biological children.
​Welfare of the child
| ​You must meet the requirements of a Welfare of the Child Assessment. This will be completed by the treating IVF clinic.
| ​The woman having IVF treatment must be aged 26 to 39 or aged 40 to 42 and have tests showing their ovaries are likely to respond to treatment.​
A man must be aged 54 or under.
| ​As a couple, you must be infertile. This means any of the following apply to you:
- you have been unsuccessful in getting pregnant through regular unprotected sex for at least 2 years​
- you have been using artificial insemination and have not become pregnant after 12 cycles (6 of which used intrauterine insemination) 
- tests show that there is no chance of you conceiving naturally
- you or your partner have had fertility preservation for medical reasons
You must have exhausted all other preliminary treatments that have been clinically recommended before you can access funded IVF.
We do not fund artificial insemination including intrauterine insemination. You will need to fund this yourself. ​
​Health factors
| ​You or your partner:
- must not smoke, vape, or use nicotine for at least 6 months before treatment or during treatment
- must not drink alcohol during treatment
- must not use illegal or abusive substances before treatment or during treatment
- must be methadone free for at least 1 year before treatment and during treatment
​The woman having IVF treatment must have a BMI above 19 and below 30
​Previous sterilisation
| ​You and your partner must not have had voluntary sterilisation, even if reversed.
Frozen embryo transfers​​​
We will fund up to 2 frozen embryo transfers per funded IVF cycle, providing:
- you have embryos that are suitable for freezing
- the frozen transfers take place within 12 months of starting the IVF treatment cycle
- you still meet all the criteria. This includes not having a child from previous transfers
Funding includes the cost of freezing, storage for 12 months and transfer. ​
If you have more than 2 embryos available for freezing, you can pay to freeze, store and transfer additional embryos.
If you have a household income below £82,300, you may be able to have more than 2 funded frozen transfers per IVF cycle. This will be a decision for the
Assisted​ Reproduction Unit’s lead consultant based on likely clinical outcomes and funding availability.
If you don't want to transfer frozen embryos in the 12 month period, you can pay for a longer period of storage. If you choose to do so, we will pay for transfers at a later date but only if:
- you still meet all the criteria
- the Assisted Reproduction Unit’s lead consultant determines the transfers should be funded based on likely clinical outcome
In all cases, any frozen embryos must be transferred before you'll be eligible for another round of funded IVF.​ ​
If you don't meet criteria for funded IVF
If you're not eligible for funded IVF, our Assisted Reproduction Unit​  may be able to help you access private IVF services.
​The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, the UK fertility regulator, quote the average price of IVF in the UK as £5,000.