​Signs that you’re in labour
Look out for the following:
contractions or tightening coming at regular intervals
something called a “show”, this is when the mucus plug from your cervix comes away, it’s usually bloody
back pain
needing to go to the toilet
waters breaking
When to call the midwife
It’s best for you to stay at home in the beginning stages of your labour, this stage can take hours, sometimes even days for some women.
Call the midwife when your contractions are coming in a regular pattern, every few minutes and lasting for at least 60 seconds. Your midwife will talk with you or your birthing partner on the telephone and arrange for you to come in to hospital.
You should call the midwife straight away if:
your waters break, as there is an increased risk of infection for your baby
you’re starting labour before reaching 37 weeks of pregnancy
you’re bleeding
your baby is moving less than usual
Coping with labour
When you are at home in the beginning stages of your labour there are a couple of things you can do to help yourself, including:
move around, walk, sway, bounce on a birthing ball, whatever feels comfortable for you
drink plenty of water, fluids or sports drinks for extra energy
have a snack if you can, this can help to keep your energy levels up
stay as relaxed as possible and keep your breathing calm and consistent
keep the lighting low, put some relaxing music on, create a calm and peaceful environment
have your birth partner to rub your back
have a warm bath