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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

​Where to find us

You can find the Maternity Unit on the first floor of the General Hospital, use The Parade entrance and go up in the lift or use the stairs.

Visiting hours

Visiting hours are as follows, seven days a week:

  • 3pm to 4pm
  • 7pm to 8pm

Children should not visit unless they are siblings of the baby, to reduce the risk of cross-infection to the baby. 

Our staff

We have a team of four consultants who are backed up by midwives, nursery nurses, health care assistants and clerical staff.

Our Neonatal Unit also has nurses and midwives specially trained in neonatal intensive care.


The doors to the Maternity Unit are locked all the time. You need to use the intercom and talk to a staff member to enter the unit.

Whilst in hospital you should keep your baby with you at all times and always ask to see a healthcare professional's ID badge if you're in any doubt that they are credible.

Your baby will have two identity labels placed on them at birth. If one or both of these come off, tell a member of staff immediately so that they can be replaced.

Our facilities

Our Maternity Unit is made up of:

  • 16 bed postnatal ward with shared bathrooms (4 beds in each wing)
  • five private rooms (some with a private bathroom and TV)
  • four delivery suites
  • a birthing pool room
  • dining room
  • midwifery station
  • midwifery office

Take a tour of the Maternity unit


​​Delivery suites

There are four delivery suites in the Maternity Unit. Each suite is private and is where you will give birth to your baby, unless you are having a c-section.

When you arrive at the hospital in labour you will be greeted by a member of staff who will take you to a delivery suite where a midwife will examine you. If you're in the later stages of labour you'll stay in the delivery suite and the midwife will guide you through the birth. However, if you're still in the early stages of labour, you may be sent home until you're further along.

Each delivery suite has a specialist birthing bed and armchair. We also have a supply of birthing balls and mats. You can also bring your own birthing equipment with you.

You are allowed one birthing partner in the delivery suite with you during the birth.

Delivery suites don't have ensuite toilet facilities. Toilets are located near to the suites on the Maternity Unit.

Birthing pool

There is one birthing pool at the Maternity Unit which you can use during your labour and birth. You should discuss if you want to use the birthing pool with your midwife when preparing your birth plan.

The use of the birthing pool depends on availability and suitability. The pool can't be booked in advanced. The midwives on the maternity unit will let you know if the pool is available.

Preparing your birth plan

Pain relief in labour

Private rooms

Our private, ensuite room with TV is priced at £250​ per night and is subject to availability (price includes overnight stay, and will be charged in full, even if you go home early).​ We are unable to pre-book or guarantee ​use of the private room . It is decided on by the midwife in charge on a day by day basis.​​​

Jersey Neonatal Unit (JNU) 

The Neonatal Unit is based within the Maternity Unit. This is where specially trained neonatal nurses look after babies who may need extra care after birth.

Translation services

You can book a hospital approved interpreter for your appointments with your midwife or doctor. 

Languages and interpreters

Maternity refurbishment

Our Maternity Unit is currently undergoing refurbishment work to provide better facilities for you and your baby.

Maternity refurbis hment

Jersey Maternity Voices Partnership 

Jersey Maternity Voices Partnership is a team of women, midwives, doctors, health visitors and Ministers working together to review and contribute to the development of local maternity care.

Jersey Maternity Voices Partnership website

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