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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Tell us about your experience

Help us to review and develop maternity care in Jersey, complete our online survey to share your experiences

Take a tour of our Maternity Unit

Have a look around our Maternity Unit and the facilities we have available

Woman holding baby bump

Getting pregnant

Find out more about the fertility help and what to do next if you think you might be pregnant

Woman holding baby bump

Your pregnancy

Find out more about staying healthy, your tests, scans and appointments and what to do when you have concerns

Couple holding scan

Scans and appointments

Learn more about your antenatal appointments, scans, tests and vaccinations

Baby on fluffy blanket

Preparing for the birth

Book antenatal classes and learn how to create your own birth plan

Baby being born

Giving birth

Find out more about how to prepare a birth plan, home births and what to pack in your hospital bag

Woman holding baby in woods

After giving birth

Find advice and guidance on how to look after yourself after giving birth for a speedy recovery

Man holding baby

Your newborn

Learn more about screening tests for your newborn, feeding, baby weigh-ins and registering your baby

​Parental Grant 

The Parental Grant is a single (tax free) payment of  £674.94 to help with the general cost of having a baby. It's normally paid directly into your bank account.  

If you have multiple births (twins, triplets or more), you'll get this amount for each baby.

Parental Grant: single payment

​Parental Allowance 

Parental Allowance is paid weekly to help you take time off work to have a baby. 

The current rate for Parental Allowance is £224.98 a week, paid directly into your bank account. 

One allowance is paid per pregnancy. The amount is not increased if you have twins or triplets.

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