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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Woman holding baby bumpWoman holding baby bump
Couple holding baby booties

Parental financial support

Find out more about the financial support available to you during maternity

Person holding a shopping basket filled with fruit

Healthy Start Scheme: food vouchers for pregnant women

Apply for the Healthy Start Pregnancy Scheme to receive vouchers for fresh fruit and vegetables

Woman holding positive pregnancy test

Signs and symptoms of early pregnancy

Find out more about the signs and symptoms of early pregnancy and when to take a test


Vaccinations for pregnant women

Learn more about the vaccinations that are recommended for pregnant women

Pregnant woman filling in calendar

Due date calculator

Find out how to work out the due date of your baby

Couple holding baby scan picture

Your pregnancy week by week

Find out more about what to expect in each trimester and some useful resources to help you track your pregnancy

man holding womans baby bump

Your baby's movements

Find out why it's important that you get to know your baby's movements and what to do if you notice a change

Bowl of fruit

Healthy eating in pregnancy

Find out more about eating a healthy diet and foods to avoid

Stop smoking in pregnancy

Find out how we can help you to stop smoking to protect you and your baby's health

Wine bottle

Alcohol in pregnancy

Learn why it's important to avoid alcohol in pregnancy

Woman sitting on bed with cup of tea

Common health problems during pregnancy

Find out more about common conditions during pregnancy and what to look out for

Mental health and pregnancy

Wellbeing advice for all stages of your pregnancy, including available services for you and your partner

Woman sitting with cup of tea


Find out more about the symptoms of miscarriage and the help and support available to you

Woman sitting

Ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy can be serious. Find out what the symptoms are and what to do

ā€‹Get help to give up smoking

If you're struggling to give up smoking, we have resources to help you quit.

Get help to stop smoking during pregnancy

ā€‹Vaccinations for pregnant women

It's recommended that pregnant women get the annual flu vaccine and the whooping cough vaccine.

Vaccinations for pregnant women

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