- Date
- 31 January 2020
Travel advice for islanders regarding new Coronavirus
- Date
- 31 January 2020
10,000 Jersey residents with EU nationality have successfully applied for the Jersey EU Settlement Scheme.
- Date
- 31 January 2020
Amateur photographers of all ages are being invited to enter their work into a photography competition to celebrate World Social Work Day
- Date
- 30 January 2020
The Minister for External Relations is reassuring Islanders that nothing will change when the UK leaves the EU tomorrow
- Date
- 30 January 2020
Islanders will have two extra weeks to register areas of land to be considered for protection or development in the next Island Plan, with a new closing date of Friday, 28 February.
- Date
- 30 January 2020
Health and Community Services has issued advice and guidance on Novel Coronavirus
- Date
- 30 January 2020
Statistics Jersey have today published the December 2019 Business Tendency Survey report.
- Date
- 29 January 2020
A vomiting bug is affecting pupils and staff at Grouville Primary School
- Date
- 29 January 2020
A young carer is to host an assembly to highlight to her classmates and teachers the daily challenges she faces
- Date
- 29 January 2020
As part of this year's Liberation Day celebrations, Islanders with memories of the Occupation or Liberation Day are being invited to share their experiences with schoolchildren.
- Date
- 27 January 2020
The Minister for Treasury and Resources has issued the following statement:
- Date
- 27 January 2020
On Holocaust Memorial Day we remember the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust, and the millions of victims of Nazi persecution, and those of subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, and Darfur.
- Date
- 27 January 2020
Islanders are being encouraged to submit their applications for any environmental projects that may qualify for a grant to help conserve Jersey’s countryside.
- Date
- 24 January 2020
Officers from the Jersey Customs and Immigration Service and the States of Jersey Police have seized approximately 250 grams of heroin in a joint operation.
- Date
- 24 January 2020
Roadworks are due to begin on Monday, 27 January on a major resurfacing project on parts of La Grande Route de la Cote, Plat Douet Road, Victoria Road and the Georgetown junction.
- Date
- 24 January 2020
The Minister for External Relations Senator Ian Gorst has signed a Ministerial Decision giving effect to the European Union (Regulations Related to United Kingdom Exit - Commencement) (Jersey) Order.
- Date
- 24 January 2020
The Chief Minister, Senator John Le Fondré, Constable Simon Crowcroft and the CEO of Digital Jersey will visit the USA next week to reinforce historical ties and enable future economic and cultural links.
- Date
- 24 January 2020
The Minister for External Relations, Senator Ian Gorst, held a series of high-level meetings with counterparts from Africa in London this week.
- Date
- 24 January 2020
Islanders can now learn more about Jersey’s historic greenhouse gas emissions, following the publication of full data on Jersey’s emissions since 1990.
- Date
- 24 January 2020
Schoolchildren from across the Island will be challenged to think like an engineer and design a solution to an everyday problem at the launch of a national competition next week
- Date
- 23 January 2020
The Minister for Environment, Deputy John Young, has signed a Ministerial Decision approving the long-term plans to improve Jersey’s coastal defences.
- Date
- 23 January 2020
Jersey Library will be hosting the Island’s fourth Local History Fayre on Friday and Saturday, 24-25 January.
- Date
- 22 January 2020
The Comptroller of Revenue Richard Summersgill has made a statement regarding received tax return forms.
- Date
- 22 January 2020
The second annual Government Communications Plan has been approved by the Council of Ministers.
- Date
- 22 January 2020
The Minister for the Environment Deputy John Young has asked the Judicial Greffe to appoint an independent planning inspector to review an ongoing planning dispute.
- Date
- 22 January 2020
Plans to create a skate park at Les Quennevais Sports Centre have the support of Islanders who responded to a Government consultation, the results of which have been published today (Wednesday, 22 January).
- Date
- 22 January 2020
A service club that aims to improve the lives of women and girls has partnered with Highlands College to encourage more girls to study male-dominated subjects
- Date
- 21 January 2020
Assistant Chief Minister steps aside from duties temporarily
- Date
- 21 January 2020
To celebrate the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day (VE Day), a collection of limited-edition coins has been issued by the Westminster Collection.
- Date
- 21 January 2020
Students are learning from the Island’s sports professionals as part of a degree-level course that prepares University College Jersey (UCJ) students to play an active role in making Jersey a healthier and more active place
- Date
- 20 January 2020
The Government Plan commits the Government to develop a scheme to address access for financially vulnerable groups to primary care services
- Date
- 20 January 2020
A further six parent and child bays have been added to Sand Street car park bringing the total number to 14
- Date
- 20 January 2020
To coincide with Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, doctors in Health and Community Services are highlighting four ways women can reduce their risk of developing cervical cancer.
- Date
- 20 January 2020
Young Islanders who are passionate about shaping the future health care provision for Jersey are being asked to apply to join the Our Hospital Citizens’ Panel
- Date
- 20 January 2020
Online or on paper – how will you file your tax return?
- Date
- 20 January 2020
Students interested in a career in the construction industry have been experiencing work on a live building site at their own school
- Date
- 18 January 2020
Standard and Poor’s review Jersey's credit rating
- Date
- 17 January 2020
A statement from Richard Summersgill, the Comptroller of Revenue
- Date
- 17 January 2020
Minister responds to the latest Retail Prices Index report
- Date
- 17 January 2020
Jersey’s Performance Framework, which shows how Jersey is doing on the journey towards achieving sustainable wellbeing, has been published
- Date
- 17 January 2020
​Statistics Jersey has today published the December 2019 Retail Prices Index (RPI) report.
- Date
- 16 January 2020
People with a passion for nature can learn how to survey and protect freshwater wildlife and become Wild Volunteers at a free training event on Saturday 25 January.
- Date
- 16 January 2020
A tender has opened to invite companies to identify and recommend the operating methods for introducing periodic technical inspections (PTI) of private vehicles in Jersey.
- Date
- 16 January 2020
The Chief Minister and Minister for Children and Housing welcome Islanders' support for the pledge to Put Children First
- Date
- 16 January 2020
Education Minister updates parents on funding for nursery-age children
- Date
- 14 January 2020
Drivers hoping to pay for parking at Sand Street carpark are being warned that debit and credit card payments are unavailable while officers deal with a technical error.
- Date
- 14 January 2020
Major plans are underway to implement an Intensive Fostering Service that will provide family-based placements in Jersey as a direct alternative to placing children in residential children’s homes, and some children and young people off-Island
- Date
- 14 January 2020
The Children’s Minister, Senator Sam Mézec, has announced today that a new support offer for children in care and those leaving care in Jersey has been developed.
- Date
- 13 January 2020
Government welcomes Manual Workers’ and Energy Recovery Facility Workers’ pay settlement
- Date
- 10 January 2020
The first Closer to Home roadshow will visit Le Squez Youth Centre in St Clement
- Date
- 09 January 2020
Islanders asked for their views on the regulation of pension business in Jersey
- Date
- 09 January 2020
The Hospital and Jersey's Ambulance Service continue to be very busy
- Date
- 09 January 2020
Official plans to commemorate Liberation 75 are launched today
- Date
- 08 January 2020
From this month, Jersey's Social Security pension age starts to rise incrementally.
- Date
- 08 January 2020
The public are being reminded that Five Oaks roundabout will be closed for the next two weekends.
- Date
- 08 January 2020
The registered unemployment report for the fourth quarter of 2019 has been released by Statistics Jersey
- Date
- 08 January 2020
First Tower School has been independently reviewed under the Jersey Schools Review Framework, commissioned by the department for Children, Young People, Education and Skills
- Date
- 08 January 2020
Mont à l’Abbé School has been independently reviewed under the Jersey Schools Review Framework, commissioned by the department for Children, Young People, Education and Skills
- Date
- 06 January 2020
A new parking permit is being introduced to the Road Traffic (St Helier) (Jersey) Order 1996 to enable electric vehicle sharing clubs to have allocated parking spaces on public and parish roads.
- Date
- 02 January 2020
A new manual is now available online providing information and guidance on the recently updated Public Finances Law