- Date
- 28 August 2020
The Government of Jersey has released the first ever 6-month progress report on the Government Plan 2020-2023.
- Date
- 28 August 2020
The COVID-19 Related Emergency Support Scheme (CRESS) will close on 31 August.
- Date
- 28 August 2020
A speech from the Chief Minister, Senator John Le Fondre
- Date
- 28 August 2020
The cycle path at West Park between La Fregate and the junction with Gloucester Street is being re-routed to make the area safer for both cyclists and pedestrians.
- Date
- 28 August 2020
The UK, France and the Republic of Ireland will be split into regions and categorised under Jersey’s Covid-19 traffic light system, from Wednesday 2 September.
- Date
- 28 August 2020
Statistics Jersey have today published their latest economic indicators report.
- Date
- 28 August 2020
Statistics Jersey have today released the Jersey Average Earnings Index report for June 2020
- Date
- 27 August 2020
More than 3,000 checks have been made on Islanders who are mandated to be self-isolating under Covid-19 restrictions, since the launch of an enhanced team at the beginning of August.
- Date
- 27 August 2020
The Minister for Education has welcomed the imminent start of the new term and has moved to reassure parents and young people about the safeguards that will be in place to keep students safe in the classroom.
- Date
- 26 August 2020
In accordance with Level One of the Government of Jersey’s Safe Exit Strategy, many of the staff of the Law Officers’ Department continue to work remotely
- Date
- 26 August 2020
The Minister for Treasury and Resources, Deputy Susie Pinel, has today responded to an online petition calling for Prior Year Basis (PYB) taxpayers to have their 2019 tax liability written off.
- Date
- 25 August 2020
Islanders are urged to keep an eye out for Asian hornets when picking blackberries, gardening, or preparing for the Branchage, following the discovery of a number of nests.
- Date
- 24 August 2020
The Government of Jersey has responded to a report on annual reporting by the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG).
- Date
- 21 August 2020
Statistics show Jersey has highest COVID testing rate in Europe
- Date
- 21 August 2020
The Minister for Education, Senator Tracey Vallois, the Minister for Children, Senator Sam Mézec and the Assistant Education Minister, Deputy Jeremy Maçon have written an open letter to students
- Date
- 21 August 2020
Plan for interim management of Jersey’s prison
- Date
- 21 August 2020
Statistics Jersey have today published their latest economic indicators report.
- Date
- 21 August 2020
Jersey Fire and Rescue Service is advising Islanders of the dangers associated with carbon monoxide poisoning, and how to reduce the risks of this happening to you.
- Date
- 21 August 2020
Islanders are being asked to complete a survey to help officials who are drawing up the next Government Plan understand the public’s priorities in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Date
- 20 August 2020
More Jersey pupils than ever before have achieved at both the 4-9 (C and above) grades and at 7-9 (A/A*) in their GCSEs.
- Date
- 20 August 2020
A consultation on the sale of single-use plastic bags opens today for retailers to give their views
- Date
- 20 August 2020
The house price report for the second quarter 2020 has been published today by Statistics Jersey.
- Date
- 19 August 2020
A Domestic Homicide Review has been commissioned by the Safeguarding Partnership Board
- Date
- 17 August 2020
The Jersey Redress Scheme, which provides redress to people who, as children, suffered abuse or harm, between 1945 and 2005, closes to new applications on 31 August
- Date
- 14 August 2020
The Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Kevin Lewis, has signed a Ministerial Decision introducing legislation which updates the requirements for children to wear seatbelts.
- Date
- 14 August 2020
Jersey Fire and Rescue Service (JFRS) has launched a campaign to raise awareness about the increased fire risk when using emollient skincare products.
- Date
- 14 August 2020
Young people still have time to sign up for the Prince’s Trust Jersey’s outdoor adventure programme, which aims to help improve confidence, communication and teamwork.
- Date
- 14 August 2020
Press conference speech Friday, 14 August 2020
- Date
- 14 August 2020
Statistics Jersey have today published their latest economic indicators report.
- Date
- 13 August 2020
A new plan is being trialled to remove sea lettuce from St Aubin’s Bay
- Date
- 13 August 2020
The number of people applying to study at University College Jersey (UCJ) this year has risen by 20 per cent compared to last year.
- Date
- 13 August 2020
Nightingale Wing contract is to be extended to cover the winter months
- Date
- 13 August 2020
Students in Jersey have achieved high grades in their A-levels this year, achieving a higher pass rate than their English counterparts.
- Date
- 12 August 2020
An on-Island testing laboratory has arrived in Jersey today, following a decision by the Council of Ministers
- Date
- 11 August 2020
Prison Governor, Nick Cameron, is to leave his post
- Date
- 11 August 2020
The 2019 Jersey Children and Young People’s Survey report has been released today by Statistics Jersey.
- Date
- 10 August 2020
Extra support will be available to the hundreds of students who will collect their A-levels and other level 3 results this week
- Date
- 10 August 2020
A new permanent Chief Veterinary Officer has been appointed.
- Date
- 07 August 2020
The Government of Jersey will start to move into Level 1 of the Safe Exit Framework from midnight tonight
- Date
- 07 August 2020
A statement from the Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Richard Renouf
- Date
- 07 August 2020
Statement from the Deputy Chief Minister, Senator Lyndon Farnham
- Date
- 07 August 2020
Statistics Jersey have today published their latest economic indicators report.
- Date
- 06 August 2020
The Customer and Local Services (CLS) building in La Motte Street is to remain closed to drop-in customers following the success of the approach used during the COVID-19 lockdown.
- Date
- 06 August 2020
A new online directory that includes more than 70 services that help children and families has been created on the Government of Jersey website.
- Date
- 06 August 2020
Islanders are being reminded about the potential health risks associated with hot weather as Jersey Met has forecast a heatwave.
- Date
- 06 August 2020
A campaign has today (Thursday) been launched by the Government of Jersey to remind pubs, bars and restaurants that they need to record the details of every visitor to their premises.
- Date
- 06 August 2020
Jersey Library has given out over 1400 Summer Reading Challenge packs to keen readers, compared to just over 1100 given out by this time last year.
- Date
- 06 August 2020
The Minister for the Environment, Deputy John Young, has today responded to an online petition calling for the Bay of Granville Fishing Agreement to be revoked.
- Date
- 05 August 2020
Jersey’s independent panel of economic experts updates the Island's economic forecast
- Date
- 05 August 2020
Almost £1 million has been allocated to Health and Community Services (HCS) for staff wellbeing projects and vital healthcare equipment from the Bailiff’s COVID-19 Appeal Fund.
- Date
- 05 August 2020
Plans are underway to create Jersey’s first Youth Parliament and young people are being invited to get involved.
- Date
- 04 August 2020
The Government has published guidance on reasonable conduct in the consumer credit sector in order to support Islanders who have or may be considering borrowing to help alleviate financial difficulties which have arisen due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 
- Date
- 04 August 2020
Young artists are invited to take part in a Jersey Fire and Rescue Service poster competition aimed at promoting fire safety.
- Date
- 03 August 2020
The Mental Health Inpatient Units at St Saviour’s Hospital are now open to visitors, with strict COVID-19 safety measures in place to safeguard staff, patients and visitors and a maximum time of 30 minutes per visitor