- Date
- 31 December 2019
A Sustainable Transport Policy, which provides a framework for transforming Jersey's transport infrastructure and the ways islanders use it has been published
- Date
- 31 December 2019
A strategy that sets out how the Island will address the climate emergency declared by the States Assembly earlier this year has been published.
- Date
- 24 December 2019
The 2020 fees and charges for the use of some of Growth, Housing and Environmentâs facilities have been approved by the Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Kevin Lewis.
- Date
- 23 December 2019
Teaching staff in Jersey will now receive an additional pay increase through a gainshare agreement.
- Date
- 23 December 2019
Following a successful year-long trial closure of Chasse Brunet to through-traffic, the Government of Jersey and St Saviour's Parish have agreed to implement it permanently.
- Date
- 20 December 2019
A report by the Planning Officers Society has made a series of recommendations to improve the process followed by the Government of Jerseyâs planning services
- Date
- 20 December 2019
The top surface of asphalt laid on Five Oaks roundabout in December 2019 has not been laid in accordance with the specifications set by Growth, Housing and Environment and is to be replaced.
- Date
- 20 December 2019
Statistics Jersey have today published the Changes in Retail Prices Jersey and UK June 2019 report.
- Date
- 19 December 2019
The most significant successful application under the 2018 Forfeiture of Assets Law sees more than US$ 10 million paid into Jersey's Criminal Offences Confiscation Fund.
- Date
- 19 December 2019
New planning guidance for the southwest of St Helier has been adopted by the Minister for Environment. It replaces the 2008 Esplanade Quarter Masterplan with immediate effect.
- Date
- 19 December 2019
Eco active have held workshops to help parishes and businesses calculate the greenhouse gas emissions they generate in Jersey, and are urging all businesses to calculate theirs.
- Date
- 19 December 2019
The Minister for Home Affairs is giving Islanders more time to comment on a new law that focuses on crimes of prejudice
- Date
- 18 December 2019
Islanders are being reminded to check the opening times of Government of Jersey services over the Christmas period.
- Date
- 18 December 2019
Islanders are invited to suggest any extra potential locations for the new hospital that were not considered in the previous project.
- Date
- 17 December 2019
A short-break service at the Department of Children, Young People, Education and Skills has received national recognition for the âexcellentâ support it provides for autistic children and their families.
- Date
- 17 December 2019
The Jersey Royal Court has sentenced Alexander Cullen to 14 years of imprisonment for importing 10 kg of heroin, with a value of up to ÂŁ10 million.
- Date
- 17 December 2019
Next year, electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles will continue to benefit from parking discounts in all Government of Jersey carparks.
- Date
- 17 December 2019
HMP La Moye inmates are once again supplying the Co-Op with approximately 2,000 poinsettias for the festive season.
- Date
- 17 December 2019
A biomedical scientist has swapped her lab coat for a laptop to write book in memory of a friend who died from an undetected heart condition.
- Date
- 17 December 2019
Search begins for Our Hospital delivery partner
- Date
- 16 December 2019
The Channel Islands Political Oversight Board held a discussion by telephone conference on 5 December to consider and monitor progress on areas of joint working.
- Date
- 16 December 2019
A community physiotherapy service has been launched to help prevent islanders at risk of falls, failty and deteriorating health from being admitted to hospital.
- Date
- 16 December 2019
Islanders who are looking to stop smoking in the New Year are being encouraged to turn to local pharmacists or Health and Community Services' Help2Quit for support.
- Date
- 16 December 2019
The results of a three-month consultation on the protection and development of Jerseyâs environment have been published.
- Date
- 13 December 2019
The Chief Minister, Senator John le Fondré, has written to newly re-elected UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson MP, following the UK general election on 12 December.
- Date
- 13 December 2019
Efforts are underway to find out how to encourage Islanders back to Jersey after leaving to study in the UK or further afield.
- Date
- 13 December 2019
Intertrust in Jersey has become the first business in the island to support the Pledge to Put Children First
- Date
- 12 December 2019
With less than two weeks to go until Christmas, islanders are being reminded that Christmas wrapping paper cannot be recycled this year.
- Date
- 12 December 2019
Doctors in Health and Community Services are urging islanders to get protected against flu
- Date
- 12 December 2019
Islanders who may be struggling with their mental health are being reminded that they can still access free support throughout the festive period at a newly opened facility
- Date
- 11 December 2019
The Ministers for Children and Education have congratulated Jerseyâs School Council Network for their involvement in the Putting Children First campaign.
- Date
- 11 December 2019
Statistics Jersey have released two reports related to obesity. Read the reports here.
- Date
- 11 December 2019
Jersey College for Girls is the first school to be independently reviewed under the Jersey Schools Review Framework, commissioned by the Department of Children, Young People, Education and Skills
- Date
- 10 December 2019
The States of Jersey Prison Service (SoJPS) has signed the UK's Armed Forces Covenant.
- Date
- 10 December 2019
Minister for Home Affairs, Constable Len Norman, and Assistant Minister for Home Affairs, Deputy Gregory Guida, were at HMP La Moye last week to increase their understanding of the service and the staff who work there.
- Date
- 10 December 2019
The following statement was given by the Children's Minister, Senator Sam MĂ©zec, on 10 December 2019 in the States Assembly
- Date
- 10 December 2019
Islanders looking to train to become a nurse across a range of fields from midwifery to mental health will be able to find out more about degree courses offered in Jersey at an event next week
- Date
- 09 December 2019
A major consultation to improve emotional wellbeing and mental health services for children and young people in Jersey has been launched today.
- Date
- 09 December 2019
The Employment Forum has commenced a consultation on statutory annual leave and rest breaks and is seeking your views.
- Date
- 09 December 2019
Students studying towards a qualification in design, engineering and construction will experience first-hand what a career in those industries might entail when they visit one of Jerseyâs largest development sites this week
- Date
- 09 December 2019
The Government is improving the way it gathers, handles, and manages complaints, compliments and comments about the many services it delivers.
- Date
- 06 December 2019
Jersey Fire and Rescue Service (JFRS) is urging islanders planning a Christmas night out to order a takeaway or stop for something to eat on their way home.
- Date
- 05 December 2019
The Government has welcomed the latest report from the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General into Non-Ministerial Departments.
- Date
- 04 December 2019
An international construction and consultancy company behind the delivery of the 2012 London Olympics has been appointed to oversee and run the Our Hospital project.
- Date
- 04 December 2019
A revised set of standards to enhance young childrenâs experiences in schools and with childcare providers is being launched this week
- Date
- 04 December 2019
Islanders are being encouraged to have their say on changes to the law that aims to ensure children and young people are given the right support at the right time
- Date
- 04 December 2019
From Monday 9 December, homes in St Peter will receive a recycling collection for paper, cardboard, plastic bottles and metal packaging.
- Date
- 04 December 2019
The Childrenâs Minister has welcomed the findings of the Jersey Care Commission â âA Follow-Up Inspection of Childrenâs Social Work Servicesâ published today.
- Date
- 03 December 2019
Motorists are being reminded to follow signposted diversions during road improvement works in Grouville on La Rue Ă Don.
- Date
- 03 December 2019
An 11-year-old Beaulieu Convent student who took part in a national engineering competition with nearly 800 young Islanders will have her winning design made into a prototype by Kingston University engineering students
- Date
- 03 December 2019
A puppeteer who studied alongside The Muppetsâ Jim Henson and uses puppets to educate international communities about hard-hitting topics is in Jersey today to lead a workshop for drama and performing art teachers
- Date
- 03 December 2019
The Government Plan 2020-23 has been approved by the States Assembly with seven amendments, by 43 votes to two
- Date
- 02 December 2019
A tri-island summit has ended, with representatives from Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man having discussed how they can learn from one another, and work together, to address the challenge of climate change.
- Date
- 02 December 2019
Islanders invited to have their say on which Jersey sites to protect, and which to develop