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Government of Jersey
Currently selected
A to Z of forms and online services
Report it
Pay it
A-Z forms and online services
Benefits and financial support
Income Support
Applying for Income Support
How your Income Support benefit is made up
Income Support residence test
Income Support: people with long term illnesses or disabilities
Special payments: help with emergency costs
Income Support: fail to look for work
Tell Income Support about changes in circumstances
If you think a Social Security decision is wrong
Ways to pay your Social Security instalment plan
Income Support eligibility check
Career and skills help if you're on Income Support (Get Ahead)
Report benefit fraud
Parental and family support
Parental Allowance: weekly payments
Parental Grant: single payment
Adoption grant
Parental financial support
Contribution credits for parents working 20 hours or less: Home Responsibility Protection (HRP)
Environmental grants
Education grants
Charitable funds
Industry grants and payments
Health and wellbeing grants
Benefit fraud
Report benefit fraud
Sickness, injury and disability
Payments if you're off work sick (Short Term Incapacity Allowance)
Long term illness or injury benefit (Long Term Incapacity Allowance)
Incapacity Pension
Support for people with long term illnesses or disabilities
Support for children with severe long-term illnesses or disabilities (Child Personal Care benefit)
If you think your Long Term Incapacity Allowance (LTIA) award is wrong
Medical assessments for Social Security benefits
Receiving Social Security benefits while you’re in hospital
Diffuse Mesothelioma special payment
Returning to work during illness or injury
Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme
Report benefit fraud
Pensions and retirement
How your state pension works
Claiming your state pension early
Free TV licences for people 75 or over
Veterans Welfare Service (VWS)
Check your pension age
Income Support
Survivor's benefit
Apply for the Pension Plus scheme
Opting out of contributions early
Allowances and bonuses
Christmas Bonus
Community Costs Bonus and Cold Weather Bonus
Home Carer's Allowance
Payment of benefits during bank holidays
Social Security benefit rates
Death and bereavement: benefits and financial support
Death Grant: single payment
Survivor's benefit
Help with funeral costs: special payments
Long-term care scheme
About the long-term care scheme
Check what help you can get with care costs
Long-term care financial support routes
How to apply for long-term care
Income Support and long-term care
Care and support: long term care
How long-term care is funded
Long-term care financial route A (easy read)
Long-term care financial route B (easy read)
Business, industry and finance
Construction industry
Construction site noise and nuisances
Workplace safety and health issues
Management in Construction (Jersey) Regulations 2016
Finance industry
Deposit protection
Jersey's action plan in response to IMF recommendations
Tax Information Exchange Agreements
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) guidelines for multinational enterprises
Economic substance for companies
Financial crime
Policy Framework for Jersey Financial Services Industry
Finance industry abbreviations and terms
Complaining about a financial service (Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman)
Financial Services Unit
Sustainable Finance Action Plan
Farming, fishing and pet industries
Fishing and aquaculture
Plants, produce and land control
Support and funding
Pets and livestock
Farming and the environment
Rural and Marine Economy
Lotteries and gambling
Retail and hospitality industries
Food and drink premises
Registration of holiday accommodation
Price marking requirements
Visitor Economy
Workplace health and safety issues
Fire safety in the workplace
Health and safety at work
Smokefree: smoking and tobacco laws, regulations and guidance
Eco active business network
Running a business
Telecoms Strategy for Jersey
Telecoms Strategy action plan
Telecoms strategy for Jersey: final Oxera report
Work permits
Regulating unfair commercial practices
31 banned unfair commercial practices
Price promotions
Pricing your services
Estate Agents, Letting Agents and property sales
Material information and misleading actions
The Consumer Protection (Unfair Practices) (Jersey) Law
Imports and exports
Commercial recycling and waste
Pets and livestock
Pet movements
Animal welfare
Livestock movements and regulations
Pets and domestic animals
Notifiable and reportable animal diseases
Business advice hub
Business taxes and Social Security
Do it online: business services
Employing staff
Industry regulations and responsibilities
Starting a business
Support for businesses
Trade and sell
Caring and support
Children and childcare
Childcare and Early Years information
Help with childcare costs
Special educational needs
Fostering and adoption
Children's welfare
Jersey's Children First
Children's Social Care Service
Children's strategic planning
Support from other organisations
Brighter Futures: parenting support services
Child Accident Prevention Jersey (CAPJ)
dDeaf Partnership Board
Carers Jersey
Family Nursing and Home Care
Directory of care and support organisations in Jersey
NSPCC Jersey Service Centre
Veterans welfare services (VWS)
Mind Jersey
Jersey Asthma and Respiratory Society
Closer to Home: activities and services in community venues
Best Start Partnership
Benefits and financial support
Social services
Capacity Law
Becoming a delegate
Capacity Law, Code of Practice and annual report
Make and register a lasting power of attorney
Complaints and concerns about delegates and attorneys
Significant Restriction on Liberty (SRoL)
Jersey’s Children First
About Jersey's Children First: How and why it's been developed
Guidance and training for Jersey's Children First
Jersey’s Children First in practice
Putting Children First
Supporting practitioners to support children, young people and families
Help and support for children, families and young people (Children and Families Hub)
Support for children with special educational needs
Young people's drug use - advice for parents
Keeping your child safe online
Online bullying
Child Development and Therapy Centre (help for children with developmental needs)
Children's health
Children with Disabilities Register
Support for children with severe long-term illnesses or disabilities (Child Personal Care benefit)
Children and Families Hub directory
About the Children and Families Hub
Childcare and Early Years information
Children and Families Hub directory
Managing your money and benefits
Behaviour and support
Disability and special needs
Education (including additional needs)
Family, relationship issues and abuse
Housing and accommodation
Health and wellbeing
Children's Speech and Language Therapy Services
Assisted dying
Jersey Assisted Dying Citizens’ Jury
Assisted dying in Jersey
Public engagement summary report on assisted dying in Jersey
Children's Rights
Children's Commissioner for Jersey
Jersey and the UNCRC
Children's Rights in Jersey Law
Participation Standards for children and young people
Building an Inclusive Education and Early Years system in Jersey
Period products
Access to free period products
Long-term care scheme
Crime and justice
Access to Justice Review
About the Access to Justice Review
Minutes of Advisory Panel meetings for the Access to Justice Review
Minutes of Expert Group meetings for the Access to Justice Review
Comment on Access to Justice in Jersey
Written submissions received for the Access to Justice Review
Access to Justice Review public hearing transcripts
Community safety
Crime prevention
Reporting a crime
Benefit fraud
Customs and Immigration confidential freephone
Community projects
States of Jersey Police
Criminal records checks
Personal criminal records checks
Financial crime
Going to court
What happens in court when you're charged with a crime
Parish policing
Parish hall enquiries
Honorary police
Leaving prison
Our reducing reoffending strategy and peer support services
La Moye Prison
Keeping in touch with a prisoner
How Probation works
If you break your Probation rules
Prison-based Probation and preparing for release
Resources for people on probation
Victims and witnesses of crime
Support for victims of crime
Jersey Crimestoppers
Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme
States of Jersey Police
Restorative Justice
Appearing as a witness in Court
Nursery, pre-school and early learning
Registering and applying for a school nursery place
Free early learning for your child (Nursery Education Fund)
Places that provide free early learning
Childcare and Early Years information
Early Years Policy work
Supporting multilingual learners (ML) in school and at home
Schools and home education
Finding and applying for a school
Your child's learning
Special educational needs
School life
Your child's welfare at school
Educating or supporting your child’s learning at home
Employment, careers and skills
Contributions and registration cards
Registration cards (for work and housing)
Employer contributions
Employing staff
Child employment
Employing staff (registration cards)
Jobs in Jersey
Manpower returns
Minimum wage
Redundancy: information for employers
Work permits
Submit a job vacancy
Employment relations
Minimum wage
The Employment Forum
Employment relations law
Child employment
Redundancy: information for employers
Redundancy: Employment, Social Security and Housing information for employees
Disability and employment: an employer's guide
Insolvency Benefit
Jersey Employer Group
Jersey Cultural Diversity Map
Finding a job: Back to Work
Jobs in Jersey
Job Station and Job Club: helping you with your job search
Career and skills help if you're on Income Support (Get Ahead)
Apply for Government of Jersey jobs
Finding new staff: Back to Work Recruitment
Careers guidance
Registering as a jobseeker with Back to Work
Industry training for jobseekers
Finding new staff: Back to Work Recruitment
Back to Work Recruitment: meeting employers' recruitment needs
Employment Incentive
Employing staff (registration cards)
Financial support to train employees
Government employee information
Government of Jersey public service pensions
Policies and procedures for public servants
Public sector staffing statistics
Union information
Voluntary release, severance and early retirement schemes for States' employees
Freedom To Speak Up Guardian
How to use MyView for Government employees
Public sector pay scales
Public sector values
States of Jersey Codes of Practice
Team Jersey toolkit
Skills, careers and higher education
Careers guidance
Higher education
Skills Jersey services
Student Finance
Training or learning through work
Work opportunities and internships
Running a business
Employer contributions
How to register your business for GST
Food and drink premises
If your business has ceased trading
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) guidelines for multinational enterprises
Licences to work in Jersey
Manpower returns
Employing staff (registration cards)
Residential and employment statuses and what they mean
Changing business ownership
Regulating unfair commercial practices
Employing European Union (EU) nationals from January 2021
Income tax
Business advice hub
COVID-19 Government Support for Businesses
Working for the Government
Become a supply teacher
Doctors jobs in Jersey
Firefighter recruitment
Nursing and midwifery jobs in Jersey
Apply for Government of Jersey jobs
Work permits
Licences to work in Jersey
Work permit policy
Recycling and waste
Commercial recycling and waste
Household recycling and waste
Special waste
Wildlife and protected species
Protected birds
Fish and shellfish regulations and monitoring
Protecting mammals
Reptiles and amphibians protection and monitoring
Controlling invasive or problem species
Legal protection of wildlife
Eco active
Eco active business network
Campaigns by eco active
Environmental Health
Construction site noise and nuisances
Food safety and hygiene inspections in food businesses (Eat Safe star ratings)
Licences to sell refreshments
Housing standards
Norovirus and other infectious diseases
Nuisances and noise complaints
Damp and condensation
Property searches when buying a house or business
Eat Safe food safety star ratings explained
Search for food safety and hygiene star ratings (Eat Safe)
Connecting to mains drains
Accessing our countryside and beaches
Countryside paths and maps
Report a problem with Love Jersey
The Jersey Countryside code
Dogs and horses on beaches
Proud of you (for picking up my poo) campaign
Outdoor safety
Ticks and Lyme disease
Les Landes Site of Special Interest
Climate emergency
How Jersey is tackling the climate emergency
Business actions to tackle the climate emergency
Climate change in schools
How you can tackle climate change
Tackling transport (Sustainable transport)
Get involved or volunteer
Butterfly monitoring scheme
Organise a beach cleaning event
Student research projects
Become a Wild Volunteer with Wild About Jersey
Campaigns by eco active
Blue Fish Campaign: protecting streams, ponds and reservoirs
Report your wildlife sightings
Environmental statistics
Air quality monitoring and pollution
Air quality monitoring
Air pollution and your health
Indoor air pollution
Land habitats management and protection
Land contamination
Areas of Special Protection (ASP)
Natural sites of special interest (SSIs)
Farming and the environment
Environmental grants
Freshwater monitoring and pollution
Private water supplies: registration and licences
Freshwater species monitoring
Surface water monitoring
Reporting water pollution and applying for discharge permits
Groundwater monitoring
Blue Fish Campaign: protecting streams, ponds and reservoirs
Guidance for de-silting ponds
PFAS in Jersey
Private water supplies: pollution and testing
Fuel / oil pollution / spills
Saving water
Marine and coastal environment
The Convention on Wetlands: Jersey’s Ramsar Sites
Integrated coastal zone management strategy
Marine environment - fish and shellfish
Tips for preventing water pollution from your boat
Reducing sea lettuce growth
Environmental monitoring of Jersey’s marinas and harbours
Seawater monitoring
Protected wetlands
Shallow seas
Jersey Marine Spatial Plan (MSP)
Government and administration
About the Government
Chief Minister of Jersey
Council of Ministers
Government departments
Government of Jersey structure
Commercial Services
About Commercial Services
Supplying goods and services to the States of Jersey
Public consultations
Feedback on Public Services consultation
Data Protection 2018
About Data Protection 2018 in Jersey and your personal data rights
Data Protection 2018 laws
Data Protection 2018 and children
FOI and Data Protection: the difference
Your personal data rights (how to delete, correct, restrict and move)
States of Jersey privacy policies
Subject access requests
States of Jersey retention schedules
Freedom of Information
About Freedom of Information (FOI)
How to make an FOI request
Information already available to you
Our response to your FOI request
FOI and Data Protection: the difference
Freedom of Information data and statistics
Freedom of Information requests and responses
Government departments
Children, Young People, Education and Skills Department
Department for the Economy
Employment, Social Security and Housing
External Relations
Health and Care Jersey
Infrastructure and Environment
Justice and Home Affairs
Non-executive and legal departments
States of Jersey privacy policies
States of Jersey retention schedules
The Cabinet Office
Treasury and Exchequer
Government digital services
Digital ID
Accessing services online
A to Z of forms and online services
Government planning and performance
Ministerial Decisions
Annual report and accounts for the States of Jersey
Public finances
Business Plans
Government planning and reporting
Trade, investment and growth
Future Economy programme
How our government works
Council of Ministers
Advisory groups
Elections and voting
Non-executive and legal departments
Bailiff’s Chambers
Law Officers
Judicial Greffe
States Greffe
Viscount's Department
Policy development boards
About policy development boards
Hospital Policy Board
Housing Policy Development Board
Early Years Policy Development Board
Revenue Policy Development Board
Island Identity Policy Development Board
Public inquiries
2011 Island Plan interim review (1)
Field 622, La Rue de la Croute, St Ouen
Plemont Public Inquiry
La Rue de Grantez, St Ouen (public inquiry)
Les Quennevais School (public inquiry)
Future hospital 2017 (public inquiry)
Green zone housing, St Peter (public inquiry)
Tamba Park (public inquiry)
Future hospital 2018 (public Inquiry)
Field No J525 Public Inquiry
Broadlands, Le Mont Fallu, St Peter Public Inquiry
Our Hospital 2022 (Public Inquiry)
South West St Helier Waterfront (Public Inquiry)
Public policies
About public policies
Built environment and housing public policy
Children and Young People public policy
Jobs and growth public policy
Natural environment public policy
Sustainable resources public policy
Vibrant and inclusive community public policy
The Government Engagement Framework
Relations with Europe
Trading with the EU
Brexit: Key changes for Islanders, visitors and businesses
Apply for the EU Settlement Scheme
Customs traders and agents
Direct landing of fish to the EU from 1 January 2021
Exporting fish to the EU from 1 January 2021
Driving in Europe
Passport rules for travel to Europe
Pet movements
Submit feedback to the Government of Jersey
How to make a complaint to the Jersey Court Service
Presenting a petition to the States
Customer feedback policy
Jersey Police Complaints Authority
States of Jersey Complaints Panel
What we do with your feedback (you said, we did)
Health and wellbeing
Hospitals and emergency treatment
Hospital wards
Emergency and out-of-hours services
Hospital services
Travelling to a UK hospital for medical treatment
Hospital departments
Alcohol and drugs
Alcohol: the facts
Helping someone with a drug problem
Alcohol issues and getting help
Needle exchange service
Drugs and their effects
Support and treatment for opiate dependency
Young people's drug use and advice for parents
Substance use strategy 2023 to 2033
Alcohol and drug misuse: support for young people
Alcohol Awareness week
Unlicensed Cannabis Based Medicinal Products (CBPMs)
Help2Quit stop smoking
Help2Quit stop smoking service
Help2Quit stop smoking service
The benefits of stopping smoking
How to cope with nicotine withdrawal symptoms
Resources to help you quit smoking
Vaping: risks, guidance and how to quit
Children’s health
Baby six-week developmental check
Baby, pre-school and childhood vaccinations
Coughs and colds in under 5s
Help for children with developmental needs and disabilities
Child measurement scheme
Parent Infant Psychotherapy (PIP)
Robin ward (children's ward)
School age vaccinations
Flu vaccine for children aged 2 to school Year 11
HPV vaccine
Meningococcal ACWY (MenACWY) vaccine
Teenage immunisation (Td/IPV)
Illnesses and medical conditions
Norovirus and other infectious diseases
Blood pressure (high and low)
Heart conditions and the Jersey Heart Team
Shingles vaccine
Arthritis (rheumatology service)
Antibiotic resistance
Respiratory Services
Urinary incontinence and bladder problems
Notifiable diseases: information for registered medical practitioners
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Nutrition and exercise
Calendar of 'Move More' events
How to Move More
Blood pressure: the facts
Dietetic Service
Family Food and Fitness
Fit for Life
Food and Nutrition Strategy
Food safety at home
Gluten-free subsidy
Healthy eating guidelines
Healthcare costs and agreements
France and Jersey health agreement (Attestation Certificate)
Health agreements between Jersey and other countries
Health costs when moving or returning to live in Jersey
Organ donation in Jersey
Subsidies for medical products
UK and Jersey health agreement
Cancer and diabetes screening programmes
Bowel screening
Breast screening
Cervical screening and HPV vaccine
Jersey diabetic retinal screening
Mental health
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
Children’s health and wellbeing
Dementia: information for people diagnosed and carers
Mental health conditions and medicines
Support from other organisations
Adult mental health
Clairvale Recovery and Rehabilitation Unit
Community based mental health services for people over 65
Community Navigators: helping adult survivors of childhood trauma
Jersey Talking Therapies (JTT)
Mental Health Day Services
Mental Health Law
Mental Health Network
Mental Health Strategic System Partnership Board
Parent Infant Psychotherapy (PIP) Service
Physical Health Facilitation Team
Psychological Assessment and Therapy Service
Residential mental health services for people over 65
Stress: the facts
Doctors (GPs), dentists and pharmacists
Doctors (GPs)
Pharmacists and chemists
Health and Social Care Practitioners Registers
Support from other organisations
Health and Social Care Practitioners Registers
Pregnancy and birth
After giving birth
Antenatal scans and appointments
Getting pregnant
Giving birth
Preparing to give birth
Your newborn
Your pregnancy
Digital health
My mHealth app
Digital Telecare
Health and Wellbeing Framework
Health and Wellbeing Framework for Jersey
Performance reports and waiting lists
Delivering New Healthcare Facilities
The New Healthcare Facilities Programme
Our Hospital Review 2022
The Enid Quenault Health and Wellbeing Centre
Neighbourhood Forums for the New Healthcare Facilities
Acute Hospital at Overdale
Public Health
Public Health Intelligence publication release schedule
Public Health reports
Health statistics
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
Nutrition and exercise
Vaccines and immunisations
Illnesses and medical conditions
Cancer and diabetes screening programmes
COVID-19 Post-Emergency Strategy
Unlicensed Cannabis Based Medicinal Products (CBPMs)
Vaping: risks, guidance and how to quit
About Public Health
Long-term care scheme
Home and community
Renting or buying a property
Renting a property
Housing rights and residential statuses
Affordable housing
Home buyer's guide
Your home and parish
Parish and islandwide rates
Nuisances and noise complaints
Damp and condensation
Comité des Connétables
Low carbon heating incentive
Severe weather advice
School closures during bad weather
Travel information during bad weather
Flooding, snow and ice on roads
Staying warm at home
Help with heating costs
Clearing ice and snow yourself
Strong winds: information and advice
Severe Weather Plan
Latest news
Pest control
Removing bee and wasp nests
Rats, mice and moles
Nuisance seagulls
Pigeon problem
General wild bird control
Cockroaches, fleas and other insect pests
Housing Advice Service
About the Housing Advice Service
Advice and services for landlords renting property
Advice and services for tenants renting property
Buying and selling property
Domestic abuse: housing advice
Emergency housing
Information for anyone facing homelessness
Housing complaints and concerns
Property owners' advice and services
Contact the housing advice and support service
Housing checklist
Pets and domestic animals
Buying a dog licence
Dogs not allowed into Jersey
Leisure, culture and entertainment
What’s on in Jersey
Organising public events
Lotteries and gambling
Jersey Gambling Commission
Christmas Lottery
Heritage and history
Facts about Jersey
Jèrriais: Jersey's traditional language
Listed buildings and places (planning and building section)
Heritage groups and organisations
Office of the Lieutenant-Governor
Castles and forts
Jèrriais Language Strategy 2022 to 2025
Heritage Strategy
Jersey Opera House refurbishment
International Cultural Centre
Parks and gardens
Millennium Town Park
Sir Winston Churchill Park
Coronation Park (Millbrook Park)
Howard Davis Park
Library services
Joining the library
Library opening hours
Study and leisure library services
Children and young people's library services
Borrowing from the library
What's on at the library
Mobile and home library
Library research, computer and school services
Planet Prose short story competition
Jersey sport
Sport facilities, grants and funding
Youth clubs and projects
Jersey Youth Service
Youth Enquiry Service (YES)
Arts and creativity
Arts organisations and groups
Percentage for art (planning and building section)
Arts grants and how to apply
Arts Strategy
Creative Island Partnership
Music strategy (Jersey’s Music Manifesto)
Liberation Day
History of Liberation
Life events
British citizenship and settling in Jersey
British citizenship
Settlement in Jersey
Death and bereavement
Who to contact after someone dies
Registering a will of real estate (immovable property)
Death and bereavement: benefits and financial support
Making a will
Register a death
Sudden deaths, inquests and the coroner's role
Having a child, parenting and adoption
Maternity benefit
After your child’s birth
Family friendly employment legislation
Leaving or moving away from Jersey
Exporting or shipping goods to the UK
Leaving the Island for more than 3 months
Marriages and civil partnerships
Notice of intended marriage or civil partnership
Approved marriage locations
Marriage and civil partnerships
Moving to Jersey
About living in Jersey
Preparing to move
When you arrive
Pensions and retirement
Pensions and tax
Income Support
Separation and divorce
Telling Employment, Social Security and Housing if you divorce or separate
Changes in circumstances (income tax)
List of children’s forms for Family Court proceedings
List of forms for dissolution of civil partnerships
List of forms for dissolution of civil partnerships
Legal guidance for family and children proceedings
Fees for Family Division legal services
Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders
Managing the personal affairs of long-term missing persons
Speeches and statements
Profile of Jersey
2021 news
2022 news
2023 news
2024 news
Planning and building
Current planning applications
Comment on a planning application
Planning applications register
Planning obligation agreements register
Sign up to be notified of applications in your area
Public planning meetings
Public planning meeting dates
Agendas and minutes from public planning meetings
Planning Committee members
Planning Committee
Making a planning or building application
Planning applications
Building applications
Policy, guidance, laws and regulations (planning and building)
Island Plan
Approved technical guidance documents
Planning, building and high hedges law and regulations
Supplementary planning guidance (SPG)
Appeals and complaints about planning and building decisions and notices
Register of notices (Development, Land Condition and Dangerous Buildings)
Appealing against the listing of a building or place
Appealing a high hedge decision
Complaining about construction site noise
Appealing a planning or building decision or notice
Planning and building compliance
Review of a planning decision or condition by the Planning Committee
Trees and hedges
High hedges complaints
List of protected trees
Carrying out work on a protected tree
Jersey Tree Map
When you will need planning and building permission
Changes to your home: permissions needed
Heating, water and electrical systems: permissions needed
Changes to areas outside your home: permissions needed
Commercial developments: permissions needed
Jersey mapping service
3D models for planning applications
Jersey digital mapping service
Jersey 3D model
Listed buildings, places and conservation areas
About listed buildings and places
Why a building or place is listed
The listing process
Roadside walls, fosses and banques
Geological sites of special interest
Conservation areas
Check if a building or place is listed
Statistics and performance
Business and economy statistics
Community and people statistics
Jersey Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (JOLS)
Facts about Jersey
Jersey Children and Young People's Survey
Living Costs and Household Income Survey
Children and young people statistics
Education statistics
Emergency services statistics
Ambulance Service statistics
Crime and policing statistics
Jersey Coastguard statistics
Jersey Fire and Rescue Service statistics
Employment and earnings statistics
Average Earnings Survey
Labour market statistics
Unemployment statistics
Earnings and income statistics
Environmental statistics
Climate statistics
Size and land cover of Jersey
Waste management statistics
Water statistics
Energy Trends
Government accounts, spending and income
Impôts and customs statistics
Social Security statistics
Annual Report and Accounts for the States of Jersey
Health statistics
Public Health data explorer
Births and fertility
Health and wellbeing
Healthy behaviours
Mortality and life expectancy
Seasonal flu
Housing statistics
Future housing needs
House price statistics
Households and dwellings statistics
Annual housing statistics
International comparisons
Population and census statistics
About the Jersey Census
Census results and data
Population characteristics
Population estimates
Population projections
Performance measures and indicators
Island Outcome Indicators
Service Performance Measures
Travel and transport statistics
Vehicle transport statistics
Sea and air transport statistics
Customs and immigration statistics
Better Life statistics
Create your own Better Life Index
Better Life Index methodology
Jersey's Better Life Index
About statistics in Jersey
Statistics Jersey
Jersey Statistics System
Statistical publications
Staying safe
Emergency planning
Emergency planning: roles of responder groups
Business continuity management (BCM)
Reporting old explosives (mortars, bombs and shells)
Types of emergencies
Preparing for an emergency
Reporting an emergency
About the Scientific and Technical Advisory Cell (STAC) and meeting minutes
Home and personal safety
Violence against women and girls
Keeping your home safe
Preparation and training for emergencies
Outdoor safety
Road safety
Beach safety
Cliff path safety
Fire safety outdoors
Explosive devices and what to do if you think you may have found one
Community safety
Alcohol and drugs
Anti-social behaviour
Community projects
Door Registration Scheme (Licensing of door security staff)
Consumer protection
Your consumer rights (Trading Standards)
Retail and hospitality industries (industry and finance section)
Debt collection
Product warnings and recalls
Borrowing money
Financial Services Ombudsman
Product safety
Fire safety
Fire safety in your home
Fire safety outdoors
Fire Service legislation and forms
Dealing with fire and other emergency services
Fire safety at work
Workplace fire safety training
Fire safety for young people
High rise buildings fire safety
Child and youth safety
Fire safety for children and young people
Internet and online safety
Carbon monoxide awareness
Carbon monoxide poisoning and how to prevent it
Barbecues and patio heaters: fire safety advice
Chimneys and open fires (fire safety)
Camping and fire safety
Health and safety at work
Be safe online
Cyber security and your business
Protecting yourself and family online
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