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The star earrings, gold earrings and linked love heart pendant present a serious chemical risk.

The star earrings and gold earrings: The cadmium content was found to be greater than the maximum permissible limit. Cadmium is harmful to human health as it accumulates in the body, can damage organs and may cause cancer.

The linked love heart pendant: Contains excess concentrations of nickel. Nickel is a strong sensitiser and can cause allergic reactions if present in articles that come into direct and prolonged contact with the skin.

The products do not meet the requirements of the REACH Enforcement Regulations 2008.
For more infromation see the attached Safety Notice which contains links to UK govement website for more details on health effects.
Product Image
<img alt="" src="/Asset library/DGZ Earrings and Necklaces.png" style="BORDER: 0px solid; ">
Content Type: GovJE Product Recall