Product Category
Recall Date
Pack Size
Batch Codes

The following products manufactured between October 2023 and December 2023 may cause a risk of injury. The affected products do not perform their blocking function as the ropes were mounted incorrectly in the rope adjuster, and they do not meet safety standards.


GRILLON - Adjustable lanyard for work positioning

L052AA00       L052AA01       L052AA02       L052AA03       L052AA07

L052AA04       L052AA05       L052AA06       L052AA07


GRILLON Hook - Adjustable work positioning lanyard with HOOK connector - European version

L052BA00       L052BA01


GRILLON HOOK - Adjustable work positioning lanyard with HOOK connector - International version

L052CA00       L052CA02       L052CA03


GRILLON MGO - Adjustable work positioning lanyard with MGO connector



GRILLON - Quick adjustment anchor

L052AA00       L052AA01       L052AA02       L052AA03


GRILLON - Temporary horizontal lifeline

L052AA03       L052AA04       L052AA05       L052AA06

If you have bought any of these products stop using them immediately. Petzl have requested to inspect the relevant products and have issued a list of affected batches. Access the PETZL batch list here:  https://www.petzl.com/GB/en/Professional/recalls/2024-01-04/GRILLON-safety-alert--request-for-inspection

​For more information see the attached safety notice.

Product Image
<img alt="" src="/Asset library/Grillon Climbing Equipment.png" style="BORDER: 0px solid; ">
Content Type: GovJE Product Recall